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明崇祯帝十七年三月十八日夜(1644年4月22号深夜),紫荆城宫门下钥,此时月色凝重,不见星辰。空荡幽暗的皇城内,一个披头散发、衣冠不整的中年男人围着皇宫跑起来,不时还停下步子捶胸顿足、呼天抢地,此人便是大明王朝的最后一任皇帝——崇祯帝。第二天一早,他仍然坚持准时上朝,和诸位臣子见见面。但这个持续了十多年的习惯在这天只剩一个沉重的历史意义,因为此时此刻,李自成的大军已经严严实 Ming Chong Zhen emperor March 17, the night of March 18 (April 22, 1644 late at night), Bauhinia Palace under the door, the moonlight dignified, no stars. The emptiness of the Imperial City, a disheveled, disheveled middle-aged man around the palace run around, and from time to time also stopped his beating his chest, call heaven and earth, this person is the last emperor of the Ming dynasty - Chong Zhen emperor. Early the next morning, he still insisted on going to court on time and saw the courtiers. But this habit lasting more than a decade has only a heavy historical significance on this day, because at this very moment, Li Zicheng’s army has been strictly
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