
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyi1983
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[目的]明确冬小麦新品种衡4399的高产高效栽培技术措施,为该品种大面积应用提供理论依据。[方法]采用裂区设计,设7个播期和6个种植密度处理,于2008~2009年在河北省深州市护驾迟镇旱作节水试验站进行了播期和种植密度对该品种产量及其构成因素影响的研究。[结果]1播期对单位面积穗数、千粒重及产量有显著的影响,但对穗粒数影响不显著;种植密度对产量及其构成因素均有显著影响。2产量随着播期的推迟和种植密度的增加呈现先升高后降低的趋势。在一定范围内,衡4399单位面积穗数随着播期的推迟而减少,随密度的增加而增加;穗粒数受播期和种植密度影响很小;千粒重随播期的推迟而增加,随种植密度的增加而降低。[结论]通过回归方程模拟计算得出,冬小麦新品种衡4399的适宜播期为10月6~21日,相应的合理种植密度为210万~360万/hm2。 [Objective] The research aimed to clarify high-yield and high-efficient cultivation techniques and measures for a new winter wheat variety Heng 4399, providing a theoretical basis for large-scale application of this variety. [Method] With split plot design and 7 sowing dates and 6 planting density treatments, sowing dates and planting densities were tested in 2008-2009 for the water-saving experiment station of guangzhengchi town in ShenZhen city of Hebei province. Study on the Influence of Yield and Its Components. [Result] The sowing date had a significant effect on the spikes per panicle, 1000-grain weight and yield, but had no significant effect on the grain number per spike. The planting density had a significant effect on the yield and its components. 2 With the delay of sowing date and the increase of planting density, the yield increased first and then decreased. Within a certain range, the panicle number per unit area of ​​Heng 4399 decreased with the delay of sowing date and increased with the increase of density. The grain number per spike had little effect on sowing date and planting density. The grain weight increased with the delay of sowing date. Planting density increases and decreases. [Conclusion] According to the regression equation, the suitable sowing date of winter wheat variety Heng 4399 was October 6-21, and the corresponding reasonable planting density was 2.1-3.6 million / hm2.
青海省国土总面积为72万km2,约占全国总面积的1/13.天然草场面积为3644.9万hm2,占全省土地面积的50.46%,占全国草原面积的10%,居全国第四位.其中可利用草场3 161万hm2,占天然草
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