China's Commercial Trucks Face an Intermixed Compefitive Era

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenmojay
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In the year 2002 when China’s auto industry saw a rapid growth of its production and sales, the pattern of competitiveness in the market was, at the same time, undergoing a profound change, including that of commercial vehicles. Then, what is the present situation and the trend of development of China’s commercial vehicles? Recently, when the 2003 new products of the Dongfeng Group rolled down from its production line, the reporter interviewed Yang Shaojie, the general manager of the Dongfeng Heavy-Duty Truck Company. In the year 2002 when China’s auto industry saw a rapid growth of its production and sales, the pattern of competitiveness in the market was, at the same time, under a profound change, including that of commercial vehicles. Then, what is the present situation and the trend of development of China’s commercial vehicles? Recently, when the 2003 new products of the Dongfeng Group rolled down from its production line, the reporter interviewed Yang Shaojie, the general manager of the Dongfeng Heavy-Duty Truck Company.
(第 1 6卷第 1~ 1 2期 )题  目作者 期号页码 卷首语 面对新形势 研究新问题王希凯 1 1 刊首寄语 商业地质·矿业权市场王四光 2 1地质工作必须适应社会经济的可持续发展
一行人去玩赛车。都是头一次玩,除了兴奋,还不免惴惴。玩赛车就是玩速度。胆大的,几圈过后,就“飞”起来了;胆小的,任别人一再超过他,也不紧不慢。回来的路上, 他们谈论着赛
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The automobile era meant a series of changes in society,including the residential structure, working structure,population structure, employment structure, and