On the Sino-British cultural differences and their Impact on English Ianguage teaching

来源 :魅力中国 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlexcuner
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language and culture are closely rdlatd,language is not only the most important human communication tools,is also a cultural carrier.All our words and deeds are,consciously or unconsciously,reflect a certain culture.Manycultural phenomena can be reflected in language.Chinese and English text is based on the basis of different languages.Chinese people should learn English well,can not be ignored in the Sino-British cultural differences.Article from the Sino-British inter-culrural differences,the sub-culrural background knowledge on the impact of language learning,the teaching in English to understand cultural differences between China and Britain to cultivate Cross-cultural communication and awarenem of the need for major route of transmission.
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