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译者点评:这是选自合众国际社的一篇新闻分析,评论瑞典在公民投票中拒绝加入欧元区。我们在这篇新闻分析中加了个新的导语,为的是把瑞典对欧元说“不”同外交大臣林德遇刺身亡直接联系起来,配合我们在寰球人物中刊登的《安娜·林德:瑞典政坛陨落的新星》一文。人们原以为,极力推动加入欧元的林德遇害会促使举棋不定的选民倒向赞成派一边,但结果并非如此,文章分析了瑞典拒绝加入欧元的原因。新闻分析是新闻英语中常用的一种文体,是对某个重大新闻事件进行分析评论的。其实,英文中的新闻分析同中文的新闻分析有所不同,不一定非得严格具备论点、论据和结论的三段论式。它同新闻综述其实也差不多,用新闻行话来说就是夹叙夹议。实际上叙的东西多,议的东西少,都是把新闻事件的来龙去脉串起来,其中加上一些头面人物的言论,让读者从中明了新闻事件的前因后果。新闻分析的阅读和翻译同一般的英文电讯和报刊文章没有太大差别,理解并不难,主要是对新闻事件要有所了解。比起英文报刊,尤其是英国报刊,如《泰晤士报》和《金融时报》等的社论或评论文章来,英文电讯中的新闻分析要容易得多,没有太多费脑筋难理解的长句子。 Translator Comments: This is a press analysis from Inter-People’s Association, commenting on Sweden’s refusal to join the euro zone in a referendum. We have added a new guide to this news analysis in order to directly link Sweden’s euro to the euro and to the assassination of Foreign Minister Linde and to cooperate with the story of Anna Lin Germany: Falling Star in Swedish Politics ". It has been assumed that trying to push Linda, a member of the European Union to join the euro, will push indecisive voters to favor one side, but the result is not the same as the article analyzes Sweden’s refusal to join the euro. News analysis is a kind of style commonly used in news English, which is to analyze and comment on a major news event. Actually, the news analysis in English is different from the news analysis in Chinese. It is not necessary to strictly have the three paragraphs of arguments, arguments and conclusions. In fact, it is almost the same as the news review. Actually, there are many things that are narrated and few things are proposed. They all bring together the ins and outs of the news events. Some of these top-level people’s comments are added to help the readers understand the antecedents and consequences of the news events. Reading and Translating News Analysis There is not much difference between the same English-language telecommunications and newspaper articles. Understanding is not difficult. It is mainly about understanding news events. Compared with English newspapers, especially British newspapers and periodicals, editorials or commentary articles such as the Times and the FT, it is much easier to analyze the news in English telegraphs without too much brainy and difficult to understand long sentences.
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