Terahertz radiation from InN by femtosecond optical pulses of different wavelengths

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The characteristics of terahertz radiation from an n-type InN excited by femtosecond laser pulses tunable from 750 to 840 nm are experimentally studied. Terahertz emission from InN is closely bound up with the Dember effect. Terahertz emission can be interpreted as being emitted from accelerated photo-carriers excited by a femtosecond pulse in Dember field. Terahertz radiation from InN shows a strong dependence on excitation wavelength. Results show that under laser pulse excitation with a different center wavelength, the terahertz radiation shows different characteristics, such as radiation intensity, radiation efficiency, and spectrum width. This work will be propitious to the development of terahertz time-domain spectrum technology and the optimization of experiment system, as well as being a reference for conducting research on terahertz emission with higher radiation intensity and efficiency.
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提出了一种由左右、上下对称的一大一小圆弧组成的金属圆弧孔阵列结构。利用该结构形成的法布里-珀罗腔来加强表面等离激元的耦合作用,以获得较好的强透射现象;同时研究了基于该现象的折射率传感特性。采用有限时域差分法研究了该孔阵列结构中大小圆弧孔的半径、两圆弧的圆心距和阵列周期对强透射现象的影响。研究发现,当大圆弧半径为95 nm、小圆弧半径为70 nm、两圆弧的圆心距为100 nm、周期为425 nm时,该结构具有较好的强透射现象,其灵敏度为279 nm/RIU,为下一代高性能微纳米等离子体传感器的设计提供了理论
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