Influence of temperature on the structure of liquid water

来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tuaa29801
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Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out for liquid water at 7 different temperatures to understand the nature of hydrogen bonding at molecular level through the investigation of the effects of temperature on the geometry of water molecules. The changes in bond length and bond angle of water molecules from gaseous state to liquid state have been observed, and the change in the bond angle of water molecules in liquid against temperature has been revealed, which has not been seen in literature so far. The analysis of the radial distribution functions and the coordinate numbers shows that, on an average, each water molecule in liquid acts as both receptor and donor, and forms at least two hydrogen bonds with its neigbors. The analysis of the results also indicates that the water molecules form clusters in liquid. Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out for liquid water at 7 different temperatures to understand the nature of hydrogen bonding at molecular level through the investigation of the effects of temperature on the geometry of water molecules. The changes in bond length and bond angle of water molecules from gaseous state to liquid state have been observed, and the change in the bond angle of water molecules in liquid against temperature has been revealed, which has not been seen in literature so far. The analysis of the radial distribution functions and the coordinate numbers shows that an on an average, each water molecule in liquid acts as both receptor and donor, and forms at least two hydrogen bonds with its neighbors. The analysis of the results also indicates that the water molecules form clusters in liquid.
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