当问到对新好男人的标准怎么理解时,林依轮带着孩子般的调皮笑着说: “看我啊,我就是一个榜样啊!热爱家庭,有社会责任感,有自己追求的事业, 这样的男人应该就算得上是好男人吧!”说后面几句话的时候他又一改刚才的嘻皮,一脸认真地有点可爱。林依轮对时尚生活的态度是:自信但不自我, 对生活中的任何事物有敏锐的观察力和感悟力,做个对时尚有敏感度的人, 树立自己对人生的健康态度,然后来传播和引领时尚潮流,而不是盲目追逐时尚潮流。他认为一个人要心理健康和身体健康,这样才能达到一个合二为一的真正健康状态。
When asked how to understand the standards of a new good man, Lin said with a childish naughty smile: “Look at me, I am an example! Love the family, social responsibility, have their own pursuit of the cause, so Men should be regarded as good men! ”Said a few words later when he changed just a hippie, a look of a little cute. Lin’s attitude toward fashion life is: self-confidence but not self, keen observation and perception of anything in life, being a fashion-sensitive person, setting his own health attitude to life and then spreading Lead the fashion trend, rather than blindly chasing fashion trends. He believes that one person needs both mental and physical health so that one can achieve a true state of well-being.