
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syzy3106jiege
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测定土壤矿质成分,了解土壤矿质元素的迁移变化情况,对阐明土壤发生发育程度,土壤理化性质和土壤肥力状况,具有十分重要的作用,同时,也是土壤类型划分,土壤区划和土壤合理利用的重要依据,土壤矿质成分分析的土壤熔样方法,在我国一直是沿用美国三十年代的矿物岩石分析的熔样方法.即用高熔点的Na_2CO_3作熔剂,在铂坩埚中熔.这种经典熔样方法的缺点是:铂坩埚价格昂贵,熔样时,升温高,速度慢,耗电量大,并且不易在中小科研单位普及.因而实际上不能满足广大土壤工作者及其它科研工作者的需要.过去虽有报导采用镍坩埚,银坩埚作容器,用KOH或NaOH作熔剂的熔样方法,但都未与经典方法作过对比实验,条件也未摸清,实行起来很多问题不好解决,方法的可靠性得不到保证,以致实际上很少应用,我们对这方法作了条件试验,并与经典方法进行了对比,统计分析表明,方法是可靠的. Determining the mineral composition of soils and understanding the migration and changes of soil mineral elements play an important role in elucidating the degree of occurrence and development of soil, soil physical and chemical properties and soil fertility. At the same time, it is also important for the division of soil types, soil zoning and rational utilization of soil According to the analysis of soil mineral composition, the method of soil sample melting has been used in our country for the analysis of the mineral rock in the 1930s in the United States, ie melting with high-melting Na_2CO_3 flux in platinum crucible. The disadvantages of the method are as follows: platinum crucible is expensive, melting temperature, high temperature, slow speed, high power consumption, and difficult to popularize in small and medium scientific research units, which in fact can not meet the needs of the general soil workers and other scientific workers. Although in the past there have been reports of nickel crucibles and silver crucibles as containers, and KOH or NaOH as fluxing fluxes, none of them have been compared with the classical methods and conditions have not been ascertained. Many problems have not been solved in practice. Methods The reliability is not guaranteed, so that in fact rarely used, we made a conditional test of this method, and compared with the classical methods, statistical analysis shows that, The method is reliable.
为了鉴定水稻对稻曲病的抗病基因,利用157个家系组成的大关稻(japonica)/IR28(indica)重组自交系(Recombinant inbred lines,RIL)群体,采用人工接种方法 ,以发病病情指数作为
劳动保障部提出 今年底80%离退休人员养老金 将由社会服务机构发放 银行邮局将作为主要发放渠道 The Ministry of Labor and Social Security proposed that 80% of retired