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一日,朋友致电我处,说电脑情况告急,运行中经常死机甚至自动重启或断电,尤其严重的是80%以上的情况发生后,任何操作都无用,连Reset也会失灵。已经有N次造成了大半的成果付之东流,苦不堪言。经过我的“实地勘察”,上述情况确实时有发生,让瑞星和诺顿查毒,发现CIH等病毒若干,杀毒后,无济于事(Explorer.exe染毒无法清除),同时怀疑是操作系统问题,因为他用的是Windows98第一版,经过我几番劝说,朋友终于同意我为他重装系统(同时格式化系统盘,排除系统故障同时彻底解决病毒),根据他机器的情况(Intel C683/HY128M/IBM 40GB硬盘/鑫嘉CIM8378声卡/鑫嘉10/100Mbps网卡/明基8432 CD-RW),我选择了稳定性相对较高的Windows Me(正版),重装后没有效果,证明与系统无关。接着怀疑是朋友误动了BIOS中相关设置,将BIOS设置恢复为出厂设置,重新进入系统,故障依旧。于是采用最小系统法,——排除故障,重加全部配件后均未出现问题。奇怪!我一时黔驴技穷,想上网求助其他朋友,这时我才发现,我未将网线连到网卡上,当朋友起身插上网线,计算机却又故技重施。 One day, my friend called the office and said that the computer was in an emergency situation. During the operation, it often crashed or even restarted or lost power. In particular, if more than 80% of the situations occurred, any operation would be useless and even the Reset would fail. N times have caused most of the results to be disastrous and miserable. After my “field investigation”, the above situation did occur from time to time, allowing Rising and Norton to inspect the virus and found some viruses such as CIH. After killing the virus, it was of no avail (Explorer.exe was unable to remove the virus). At the same time, it was suspected to be an operating system issue. He used the first version of Windows 98. After several persuasion, my friend finally agreed to reinstall the system for him (at the same time formatting the system disk, eliminating system failures and completely resolving the virus), according to his machine (Intel C683/HY128M /IBM 40GB hard disk / Xinjia CIM8378 sound card / Xinjia 10/100Mbps network card / BenQ 8432 CD-RW), I chose the relatively high stability of Windows Me (Genuine), no effect after reloading, proved to be system-independent. Then it was suspected that my friend had moved the relevant settings in the BIOS and restored the BIOS settings to the factory settings. Re-entering the system, the fault persists. Then, using the minimum system method, the problem was eliminated after rectifying all accessories. Strangely, I was making a fuss and I wanted to help other friends on the Internet. Then I discovered that I had not connected the network cable to the network card. When my friends got up and plugged in the Internet, the computer used it again.
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自从Windows 9X出现开始,微软就发布了一个Power Toys小工具包,使用这个小工具包可以方便地对Windows进行一些设置,并在一定程度上对系统起到优化作用。到了WindowsXP,微软
【新浪科技】北京时间5月8日上午消息,在最新一代Ga laxy S手机面临广泛批评之际,三星撤换了移动设计团队主管。三星发言人周四表示,该公司移动设计团队主管张东勋(Chang Don