
来源 :中华全科医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dropmylove
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目的探讨老年脑梗死对认知和执行功能的影响。方法设140例腔隙性脑梗死患者和38例老年对照组,两组患者分别进行认知和执行功能测验。腔隙性脑梗死中,顶叶卒中24例(17.1%),额叶卒中22例(15.7%),颞叶卒中11例(7.8%),丘脑卒中20例(14.3%),基底节卒中45例(32.1%),小脑卒中14例(10.0%),桥脑卒中14例(10.0%)。结果与对照组比较,腔隙性脑梗死组的MMSE、stroop色词测验、画钟测验和语言流畅性测验评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论老年腔隙性脑梗死患者存在一定的执行功能减退。提示老年不同部位腔隙性脑梗死均对执行功能产生影响,尤以额叶和基底节区脑梗死为甚,对老年腔隙性脑梗死患者的预后判断和综合治疗提供参考。 Objective To investigate the effect of senile cerebral infarction on cognitive and executive functions. Methods A total of 140 patients with lacunar infarction and 38 elderly controls were enrolled. Patients in both groups were assessed for cognitive and executive function. Among lacunar infarcts, 24 (17.1%) had parietal stroke, 22 (15.7%) had frontal stroke, 11 (7.8%) had temporal lobe stroke, 20 (14.3%) had thalamic stroke, Cases (32.1%), stroke in 14 cases (10.0%), stroke in 14 cases (10.0%). Results Compared with the control group, there were significant differences in MMSE, stroop color word test, draw-bell test and verbal fluency test score in lacunar infarction group (P <0.05). Conclusion Elderly patients with lacunar infarction have some executive dysfunction. It is suggested that lacunar infarction in different parts of the elderly has an impact on the executive function, especially in frontal lobe and basal ganglia infarction. It provides a reference for the prognosis and comprehensive treatment of elderly patients with lacunar infarction.
一年前,张先生一家走进了心理科诊室,三个人中最显眼的是正处于青春期的女儿安妮——她瘦得皮包骨头,两眼深凹、面色苍白。 A year ago, Mr. Zhang entered the psychiatric
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AIM: To identify the role of anti-pancreatic antibody (PAB) in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) among Turkish patients, and its frequency in f
爸爸正在卫生间洗澡,倩倩一步冲了进去。接着,她又快速退了出来,来到妈妈跟前,悄悄对妈妈说:  “妈妈,我发现了一个秘密。”  “什么秘密?”  倩倩说:“爸爸长得和我们不一样。他那里……”  1.“小孩子,不许胡说!”×  2.“没什么大惊小怪的!你长大就明白的。”×  3.“爸爸是男的,咱们是女的。男女之间的身体器官是不同的,爸爸脖子上长有喉结,妈妈就没有。”  接着,她让倩倩摸了摸自己的脖子。
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