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胡锦涛总书记指出,劳模精神,是我们伟大民族精神的重要体现,是激励我们奋勇前进的重要精神动力。要在全社会广泛宣传劳动模范和先进工作者的先进事迹、优秀品质、高尚精神,推动全社会进一步尊重劳模、关心劳模、学习劳模,使劳模精神不断发扬光大。劳模是劳动的模范和榜样,是社会遴选出的最好的、鼓励人们仿效的劳动者。中国自1949年建国之初就确立了评选劳模的机制。此后每隔5年的5月1日,中国都要以国家的名义奖励“劳模”,颁发“全国五一劳动奖章”等,号召全国人民向他们学习,为国家作贡献。上个世纪,从“铁人”王进喜和掏粪工人时传祥,到“农业学大寨”中的“铁姑娘”郭凤莲,再到“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平和修脚女工于素梅,以及北京公交售票员李素丽,这些主要由工人和农民组成的“劳模”无一不是“老黄牛”形象,也就是无私奉献、不计报酬、做最苦最累的活。上个世纪80年代,劳模的评价标准开始向对经济建设和科教文卫等领域做出贡献的人倾斜;90年代中期,民营企业家开始在市场经济发达地区登上“劳模”讲台。“无论到什么时候,‘劳模’都是中国社会的精英。”而今,成功的民营企业家、优秀的工人和农民都无愧于新时代的“劳模”称号。 General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out: The spirit of model workers is an important manifestation of our great national spirit and an important spiritual driving force for our courageous progress. To deeds publicity campaigns on model workers and advanced workers, outstanding quality, noble spirit, the whole society to promote greater respect for model workers, care model workers, model workers to learn the spirit of model workers continue to flourish. Model laborers are models and examples of labor and are the best ones selected by society to encourage people to imitate. Since the founding of China in 1949, China established a mechanism for selecting model workers. Since then, every 5 years on May 1, China must reward “model workers” in the name of the state and issue the “National May 1st Labor Medal,” so that all people in the country will learn from them and contribute to the country. The last century, from the “Iron Man” Wang Jinxi and when scavenging workers pass Xiang, the “Agriculture, Learn” in the “Iron Girl” Guo Fenglian, to the “father of hybrid rice” Yuan Longping and pedicure women in Su-mei, and Beijing Bus conductor Li Su-li, these workers and peasants are mainly composed of “model workers” are all “old ox” image, that is, selfless dedication, regardless of remuneration, to do the most bitter most tired of living. In the 1980s, the evaluation criteria of model workers began to tilt toward those who contributed to economic construction and science, education, culture and health. In the mid-1990s, private entrepreneurs started to board “model workers” in the market-developed areas. “No matter what time, ’model workers’ are the elites in Chinese society.” Now successful private entrepreneurs, excellent workers and peasants are worthy of the title of “model worker” in the new era.
回家看看吧,不管多忙,也不要找什么借口,一定要抽出时间多陪陪那个在乎你的人。 Go home and see it, no matter how busy, do not find any excuses, be sure to take the