Urban Forestry Research in Europe-An Overview

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzyu888888
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A comprehensive European overview of recent and ongoing research in Europe has been carried out within the framework of COST Action E12 ’Urban Forests and Trees’, a pan-European research network. This paper presents some of the main findings of a comparative analysis of 20 individual country reports. The analysis shows that research on urban forests and urban trees in Europe has a wide scope and is rather fragmented and uncoordinated. Universities and state research institutes, mostly with a forestry or horticultural background, dominate the research. Relevant research is primarily funded from state and municipal sources. Significant differences exist between countries with regards to the level of activity, research topics and institutions involved. A comprehensive European overview of recent and ongoing research in Europe has been carried out within the framework of COST Action E12 ’Urban Forests and Trees’, a pan-European research network. This paper presents some of the main findings of a comparative analysis of 20 The analysis shows that research on urban forests and urban trees in Europe has a wide scope and is rather fragmented and uncoordinated. Universities and state research institutes, mostly with a forestry or horticultural background, dominate the research. Relevant research research funded from state and municipal sources. Significant differences exist between countries with regards to the level of activity, research topics and institutions involved.
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<正> 1991年正当世界经济增长缓慢,美国经济持续衰退,前苏联解体,独联体各国和东欧各国经济混乱,崩溃、通货膨胀、严重减产,人民饥饿不堪之时,中国经济却欣欣向荣,蓬勃发展。中国在遭受百年一遇的特大水灾面前,全国人民紧密团结在中国共产党领导下,不仅克服了自然灾害的特大困难,还使国民经济获得了奇迹般的发展。
<正> 自党中央提出鼓足干劲、力争上游、多快好省地建设社会主义的总路线及全党全民办地质的方针后,地质工作与其他工作一样亦获得了普遍的丰收,找到了很多的矿产和矿化点。