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目的分析桂平市提高不明原因脑炎和/或脑膜炎疫情调查与控制能力项目近期社会和经济效益,为今后进一步降低成本、提高效益和推广项目提供客观依据。方法采取入户调查和医院调查方法,比较项目实施前、后不明原因脑炎和/或脑膜炎病例治疗的直接成本和间接成本,并进行效益分析。结果项目实施以来,共筛查脑炎和/或脑膜炎疑似病例321人,临床诊断病例224人,实验室确诊病例119人,治愈率94.29%,病死率6.25%,后遗症发生率7.62%,均较项目实施前有显著的改善,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益,其中经济净效益为106.756万元,效益成本比为1.91:1;社会效益表现在减轻患者及其家庭的精神、心理负担,促进社会和经济的持续发展。结论通过实施“提高不明原因脑炎和/或脑膜炎疫情调查与控制能力”项目,可以提高病例治愈率,降低病死率、致残率,使不明原因脑炎和/或脑膜炎疫情造成的危害和影响降至最低程度,具有明显的社会和经济效益。 Objective To analyze the recent social and economic benefits of Guiping City in improving the investigation and control of unexplained encephalitis and / or meningitis epidemics and provide objective evidences for further reducing costs, enhancing benefits and promoting projects in the future. Methods Household survey and hospital survey methods were used to compare the direct and indirect costs of treatment of unexplained encephalitis and / or meningitis cases before and after the project was implemented and the benefit analysis was conducted. Results A total of 321 suspected encephalitis and / or meningitis cases were screened, 224 were diagnosed clinically, and 119 were diagnosed clinically. The cure rate was 94.29%, the case fatality rate was 6.25% and the incidence of sequela was 7.62% Significant improvement compared with that before the project has achieved significant economic and social benefits, of which the net economic benefit is 1.06756 million yuan, the cost-benefit ratio is 1.91: 1; and social benefits are manifested in reducing the mental and psychological burden of patients and their families , Promote the sustainable development of society and economy. Conclusions The implementation of the project of “Investigation and Control of Epidemic Encephalitis of Unidentified Encephalitis and / or Meningitis” can increase the cure rate of cases and reduce the mortality and morbidity of unexplained encephalitis and / or meningitis Harm and impact to a minimum, with significant social and economic benefits.