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近年来,我国许多果产区利用半地下常温库、人防工程以及山洞等场所,采用塑料薄膜大帐堆藏或塑料薄膜小包装等方法进行苹果简易气调贮藏,收到良好效果。但是,如果在贮藏过程中管理不当,也会出现一些病害,影响贮藏效果。 二氧化碳伤害 多发生在果实入帐初期,由于库内温度高,果实呼吸强度大,使帐内自然降氧速度加快,二氧化碳急剧上升。当二氧化碳浓度超过贮藏要求的气体指标上限时,就会出现二氧化碳中毒现象。症状是:揭开封闭帐会闻到酒精味;剖开果实可看到果心线周围果肉发生不规则的褐变,受害严重时整个果肉变褐,果肉味变苦。 裂果 多在贮藏后期(4月份以后)发病。由于窖内上层温度高,帐顶常有结露下落,使果垛上层果实处于高温多湿的条件下,当后期窖温回升后,便出现裂果。主要症状是果面出现多条0.1~0.4厘米宽的裂口,果肉起沙,风味变劣,不能食用。国光、红星裂果严重,富士、赤阳、金冠不易裂果。 In recent years, many fruit producing areas in China use semi-underground room temperature, civil air defense projects and caves and other places, the use of large plastic film bags or small plastic film packaging and other methods for simple storage of apple atmosphere, received good results. However, if improperly managed during storage, some diseases may also occur, affecting the storage effect. Carbon dioxide damage occurred in the early accounting of the fruit, due to the high temperature in the library, the fruit breathing intensity, so that natural oxygenation within the accelerated rate of carbon dioxide rose sharply. Carbon dioxide poisoning occurs when the carbon dioxide concentration exceeds the upper limit of the gas requirements for storage. Symptoms are: uncover the closed account smell smell of alcohol; cut open the fruit can be seen around the fruit heartline irregular browning occurs, the serious damage to the entire pulp brown, flesh taste bitter. More fruit cracking in late storage (after April) onset. Due to the high temperature in the upper cellar, the top of the top of the tent is often dewed and the upper fruit of the stacks are exposed to high temperature and humidity. When the temperature of the cellar rises later, cracking occurs. The main symptoms are the appearance of a number of 0.1 to 0.4 cm wide gap, the flesh of the sand, the flavor worse, can not eat. Guoguang, Hongxing serious cracking, Fuji, red sun, the Golden Delicious is not easy to crack fruit.
他是家财数亿、锦衣玉食的富家阔少;他是成龙、张国荣、张艾嘉等巨星一手捧红的人气小天王:他带有几分邪气的魅力被许多少女喜欢……他就是——Edison陈冠希 He is a family
金银花(Loniceraja ponica Thumb)又名银花、双花、二花、属忍冬科植物。植株蔓生,小灌木,一年两茬花,平邑县在5月下旬到6月上旬开头茬花,二茬在7月下旬到8月中旬。花初开时