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北京的金秋注定与众不同此间召开的材料界最大的盛会2004中国国际新材,——“—料与加工应用博览会暨研讨会以更加突出的焦点更为开放的平台再次吸引了社会、”、各界的关注与支持新材料的热潮成为9月的主旋律。此次盛会带给人们的不仅是最新成果的展示更多的是一次观念与思维的洗礼紧,扣时代脉搏的主题大会循环型社会的材料产业材料产业的可持续发展将材—“——”料的发展推到了经济发展舞台的前端会上国际著名企业家政府高层官员社会知名、人士就发展循环经济推进循环型社会和循环型社会中新材料产业的可持续发展及各国、的相关产业扶持政策等方面内容进行了深入的研讨在材料界引起了巨大的反响这在源环境与经济发展之间的矛盾日益突出替代材料再生材料循环利用的概念引起全社会越来越多的关注的大背景下显得尤为意义深长为了让更多读者能够分享本次大会的精髓我们将中国工程院左铁镛院士在会上所做的报告构筑循环型材料产业“促进循环经济发展及国务院发展研究中心周宏春博士的大力发展循环经济加快建立”“节约型社会报告整理出来以飨读者” Beijing’s autumn is bound to be different The biggest event in the material industry was held here 2004 China International New Materials, “- Materials & Process Applications Expo & Seminar attracts society again with a more open focus on a more prominent focus” The concern and support for new materials from all walks of life has become the theme of September. This event brings people not only the latest achievements of the show is more a concept and thinking of the baptism of tight, the theme of the pulse of the era of the general assembly of materials recycling industry, the sustainable development of materials industry will be material - “- Material development pushed to the forefront of the economic development stage Top famous officials of government officials from well-known society, people on the development of circular economy to promote recycling-based society and recycling-oriented society in the sustainable development of new materials industry and all countries, the relevant industry support Policies and other aspects of the content of an in-depth discussion in the material industry has caused a huge response which is increasingly contradictory between the source environment and economic development of alternative materials recycled materials recycling concept has aroused growing concern of the whole society background It is particularly meaningful under the In order to allow more readers to share the essence of this conference, we will Chinese Academy of Engineering, Academician Zuo Tieli report made at the meeting to build recycling-based materials industry, ”promote the development of circular economy and the State Council Development Research Center Dr. Zhou Hongchun Vigorously develop the circular economy to speed up the establishment of “” conservation-oriented society report Out to readers “readers”
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