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“世间唯一不变的,就是变化本身。”本书是变化管理的经典之作。本书作者--著名的畅销书作家和体育人物传记记者达米安·休斯,对足球界的传奇人物亚历克斯·弗格森爵士的领导行为和思维范式进行了深入分析与研究,提出了应对变化的八个关键步骤,对于促进组织成员变革能力的提升、心理素养的培育、正向思考的培养等具有重要的参考价值。在国内外竞争发展过程中,拥有追求成功的心理素养、建立永不失败 “The only constant in the world is the change itself.” "This book is a classic of change management. The author of the book, Damien Hughes, a well-known best-seller writer and biographical biographer, conducted an in-depth analysis and research on Sir Alex Ferguson’s leadership and thinking paradigm in the football world. To deal with the changes of the eight key steps for the promotion of organizational members to enhance the ability to change, cultivate psychological literacy, positive thinking of training has an important reference value. In the process of competition at home and abroad, have the pursuit of successful psychological qualities, the establishment never fails
让每个人都沐浴在“健康中国”的阳光下,是我们奋斗的理想所在,也是全民福祉所系。正所谓“一张蓝图绘到底”,从战略上确认实现人民健康宏伟目标的保障是必要的。  党的十九大吹响了新时代中国特色社会主义全面發展的号角,“健康中国”也将成为看得见摸得着的美好现实。  十九大报告指出,人民健康是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志。让每个人都沐浴在“健康中国”的阳光下,是我们奋斗的理想所在,也是全民福祉所系。正所谓“
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