Subject:Analysis of the fusion and influence of photography and device

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  Some people believe that photography is a pure technology which is made up of optics, chemistry and mechanics. The art of photography is nothing more than the art of photography. They do not seem to know the lofty status of photography and the great contribution made by photography in the history of modern human development. Some people rely on all kinds of professional theories, such as visual perception, human culture, iconography and other classical theories to explore the art of photography relying entirely on theoretical research, ignoring the art practice of photography.
  Device art is not a specific technique, but refers to the abbreviation of the mixed medium or the comprehensive material. In the case of painting, Chinese landscape painting can be called ink painting, and ink is used to draw on the paper. Water-based materials in western paintings are called watercolors, and oily materials are called oil paintings. Nowadays, many kinds of materials are used in art works, such as metal, cloth, dyestuff, and technology equipment, such as projection.
  With the increasing perfection of contemporary photography, the use of photographic artists for the finished product is more and more, and the comprehensive media of photography is gradually separated from it. Unlike surrealist photography, the use of photographic integrated media is more diverse in the form of finished products. As a matter of fact, the photographic comprehensive media will use the finished product to make "the scene", but the finished product is often more complex. For example, Sandra. Comprehensive utilization of combined media and photography "Sigelan goldfish revenge" in the filming process, the use of a large number of red goldfish are fictional, the floating goldfish, a common living space into a magnificent and magical space.
  Both in the way of photography and in the form of the final display, the comprehensive media of photography are quite different from those of traditional photography. Then, this difference makes the photographic comprehensive media have the characteristics that some traditional photography art does not have. As a form of art, photography is an art form that creates visual illusion on the plane by optical principle, so it has obvious planarity characteristics. However, due to the integrated media expression in the process of photography, a comprehensive media has the characteristics of integrated media. Especially in the photographic comprehensive medium, this kind of three-dimensional character is more obvious. For example, his works are so integrated into the comprehensive media of frame structure that the original plane photography becomes stereoscopic. After that, the lighting effect is further strengthened by lighting.   In twentieth Century, the popular artists began to explore the possibility of photography. Artists such as Hannah Hawke, Raoul Hausmann and John Hatfield began to make extensive use of photos to create collage and mixed picture components. Since the beginning of 1960s, with the development of traditional art in post-modern art, photography has embraced various contemporary art forms, such as film, performance, environmental art and conceptual art.
  With the continuous development of science and technology, interactive technology has gradually become one of the important ways of communication in the performance of photographic comprehensive media. In the specific creation, the way of setting up photography technology or setting up a hard and comprehensive media of output images strengthens the audience's participation and interaction to the works, and makes the works have a more obvious comprehensive media characteristics.
  As the carrier of the display form, the physical space is also one of the habitual forms of the sobbing in the contemporary art of photography. This is also a common way of expression in photographic art creation. The source to a group of works from the Internet photos, objects and text device works of art, the authenticity of serravalle attempts to investigate in human history in various fields in the first photo. Special exhibition space utilization, serravalle large and small scattered photos placed in the very cabinet abandoned, then seemingly with little or no data text pasted on the image side.
  For the modern art form of the main creative method, the installation art lies in the assembly of the device for the finished product. So, what is the art of photography as an avant-garde genre which is based on the art of installation? In fact, after understanding the installation art, we can easily understand the art of photography equipment and installation art, photography and art key device is to now finished Li Qiao, the difference between the two is that the device art lies in the audience through the experience of the device and camera perception.
  In the condition of contemporary art creation under the early warning of the myriads of changes for the audience, the artist in order to create a good viewing space in the picture display and printing on, will append some kind of to change, so as to extend the meaning of strengthening the picture; create a photographer can also add the process of space and atmosphere to show the effect; then in kind and scene, with pictures attached to the object surface. Then the small clusters are dispersed in the picture; then is not entirely dependent on the real; another way is to use the explanatory comments, pictures and pictures of the common device itself. When the photographer spoke to space, he said the feelings were three-dimensional, comprehensive, sufficient, and powerful and deep.
摘要:张爱玲是中国现代文学史上一位具有代表性的女性作家,她的小说刻画了许多生动形象的女性人物,且笼罩着一种令人迷茫的悲凉气息。小说《金锁记》通过主人公曹七巧的人物变化把这种悲凉表现的淋漓尽致。她的小说多从人物的命运出发,探索人性的变化,而这种悲剧意识的产生和其自身经历、生活环境密不可分。  关键词:女性主义;金锁记;悲剧意识  “毫无疑问,《金锁记》是张女士截至目前为止的最完美之作,颇有《狂人日记
摘要:《吐槽大会》是一档由腾讯视频与上海笑果文化传媒有限公司联合出品的网络综艺脱口秀节目,以互联网独有的“吐槽文化”为切入点,自开播以来一直拥有极高的关注度和播放量,當之无愧成为了2017年网络综艺类节目的一匹“黑马”。本文从传播方式、嘉宾选择、受众构成以及节目内容四个方面浅析网络综艺脱口秀《吐槽大会》的节目特征  关键词:网络综艺脱口秀;吐槽大会;受众;节目特征  脱口秀诞生于20世纪40年代,
摘要:随着藏区社会文化的发展,青海安多牧区藏族的传统婚俗文化也在发生着深刻的变化。所呈现出来的特点是现代与传统观念的相结合。本文试通过对青海安多牧区藏族的传统婚俗与新时代的婚俗方面(婚姻缔结、适婚范围、婚后习俗),对其进行对比性描述,希望能让读者对青海安多牧区藏族婚俗文化的变迁有更多的了解。  关键词:藏族;婚俗文化;变迁  引言:藏族作为一个生活在高海拔地区的民族,博大的青藏高原养育了勤劳的藏族
摘要:当下中国餐饮业竞争日益加剧,主题性餐厅作为一种新的设计元素慢慢的融合到人们的生活中。简言之,主题性餐厅是通过一个或者多个主题为标志的餐饮场所。随着当今经济社会的不断进步,人们的文化修养和审美品位的逐渐提高,人们对主题餐厅的文化性与舒适性等提出了更高的要求,故而,主题餐厅也成为餐饮业发展的新趋势。  关键词:主题性餐厅;室内环境空间;室内设计  一、主题餐厅的概念及背景与现状  1.1主题餐厅
摘要:人类大约在公元前6000年已经开始懂得利用天然金属制作饰物。随着金属冶炼技术的不断发展,在现代服饰设计中,金属配件得到了广泛的应用,不仅用于服装辅料的扣、环、拉链,而且配合服装的设计风格,将金属材质与服饰的形、色相搭配,成为个体表达自我的文化符号。金属服饰配件的发展需要设计师在设计理念、加工工艺、材料优化与环保等方面不断等创新。  关键词:金属;服饰配件;应用创新;发展趋势  一、金属服饰配
摘要:党的基层组织是党全部工作和战斗力的基础,是落实党的路线方针政策和各项工作任务的战斗堡垒。作为国有企业的一名基层党支部书记,必须带头发挥好基层党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,带领支部一班人全力投入到企业的重要战略部署上来。  关键词:支部书记;工作创新;先锋模范  一个党支部是否具有坚强的战斗力,能否发挥好战斗堡垒作用,在很大程度上取决于是不是有一个得力的支部书记。习近平主席讲过:“