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香港中国旅行社的导游严小敏给我们留下很深的印象。 我们一出深圳海关就是他来迎接的。开往九龙的电瓶列车上他坐在前排,不苟言笑,默然无语。这是个中年人,后来他介绍,自己是70年代初在上海某大学毕业后来香港的。导游对待工作尽心尽责,每到一处,不论房屋建筑、交通设施、购物中心或一个个的名胜景点,从不遗漏、毫不厌烦地逐一介绍,既周到细致又言简意赅。至今我们还记得两处,一是香港的小街网络交错,车辆穿梭密集,但街口都设置了红绿灯,不像内地宽街上才有。他多次交待,行路要特别注意安全,在任何地方千万不能冲红灯。这对我们多年在内地随意穿小街的人敲了警钟,如果不是他的反复提醒是很容易出问题的。还有一次路经一座白色雄伟的高层建筑时,他多次告诉说这是解放军进香港驻的地方,要我们仔细地看看。这时我仿佛看到屋顶上 Yan Xiaomin, tour guide of Hong Kong China Travel Service, left a deep impression on us. We came to Shenzhen Customs to meet him. He sat in the front row on the battery train to Kowloon, unsmiling, silent silent. This is a middle-aged man, and later he introduced himself as a Hong Kong student after graduating from a university in Shanghai in the early 1970s. Guided tours work with due diligence, wherever he goes, regardless of housing construction, transportation facilities, shopping centers or one of the attractions, never omission, without exception, introduced one by one, both thoughtful and concise. So far, we still remember two locations. One is the small network of streets in Hong Kong that runs intensively, but the traffic lights are set at the crossings, unlike the wide streets in the Mainland. He confessed many times, paying special attention to safety and should not red light anywhere. This bears an alarm on those people who have been wearing small streets in the Mainland for many years. If it is not his repeated reminders, it is easy to go wrong. On another occasion, as he passed a majestic white high-rise building, he repeatedly told him that this was where the PLA moved to Hong Kong and asked us to take a closer look. At this moment I seem to see the roof
We report on a first-principles study of a novel band modulation in zigzag double-walled boron nitride nanotubes (DBNNTs) by applying radial strain and coupled
一、狠抓创新,突出重点,校内培训质量全面提高 1.按需施教,初步形成较好的办班模式 (1)注重前期调研,深入基层征求培训意见。围绕“学以致用”,借鉴DACUM大表的建立方法,工
加强思想政治工作是企业改革发展的客观要求,是构建和谐企业的重要保证。文章简要总结了强化思想政治工作,促进企业和谐稳定发展的有效途径。 Strengthening ideological an