
来源 :山东农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tedious
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1、本試驗之目的是引种外地結球白菜品种,从这些品种中选出若干产量高、抗病性強,早熟或晚熟,耐貯藏,品質良好的优良品种,作为当地推广材料以及选种的原始材料。 2、本試驗主要由北方各地引种白菜品种六十二个,分布在大陆性气候地区的河北、山西、河南、魯北;以及海洋气候地区的魯东及东北南部,和济南以南气候較暖的魯南、苏北等自然环境条件各不相同的地区。 3、本試驗將引种的品种进行分类;花心白菜类(七个品种);直筒白菜类(十八品种);头球白菜类,其中又分为高樁白菜(十七品种);矮椿白菜(十八品种);平头白菜(兩品种)。 4、由引入的品种初步可以看出各类白菜的分布有一定的地域性,生長期較短的直筒形品种多产于辽宁、冀东、山西、魯北、及魯南山区气候較冷的地区,大型晚热的高樁和矮椿类型的品种多产于膠东半島海洋性气候地区,中小型的矮椿品种多产于魯西、魯南(除山区外)苏北及河南黄河以南的地区,平头型品种多产于魯中及河北省南部平原地区。 5、外地引入的晚熟品种中尚未发現显著优于济南当地品种者。但直筒品种中的天津青麻叶等品种在济生長强盛,抗病力强,产量高,可以提高当地單位面积的生产量。花心型的德州香把子等品种可作早熟栽培以提早本地的白菜供应期。引用外地品种必須注意其生長特性及栽培技朮之不同,才能得到有利的結果。本試驗在进行过程中得到本教研組林維紳蔣先明兩位同志的协助很多,特此誌謝。 1. The purpose of this experiment is to introduce varieties of cotyledon cabbage in the field and select some excellent varieties with high yield, strong disease resistance, early maturity or late maturity, good storability and good quality as the promotion material and the original selection material. In this experiment, sixty-two varieties of cabbage were introduced from the north, distributed in the continental climate regions of Hebei, Shanxi, Henan and Lubei; and the Ludong and the northeast of the marine climate region, and the warmer climate in the south of Jinan Of the Lunan, Northern Jiangsu and other natural conditions of different regions. In this experiment, the introduced varieties were classified; Brassicaceae (seven varieties); straight cabbage (eighteen varieties); heading cabbage, which is divided into high-pile cabbage (seventeen varieties); short-piled cabbage (Eighteen varieties); cabbage (two varieties). 4, By the introduction of the varieties of cabbage can be seen that the distribution of certain geographical, short-growing straight-tube varieties prolific in Liaoning, Jidong, Shanxi, Lubei, and Lunan mountain climate is colder In the area, large late-hot high-pile and short-stalk-type varieties are prolific in the marine climate area of ​​Jiaodong Peninsula. Small and medium-sized short-stalk varieties are prolific in Luxi, Lunan (except mountainous areas) and northern Yellow River in Henan In the southern region, flat-breed varieties are prolific in Lushan and in the southern plains of Hebei Province. 5, introduced late-maturity varieties have not found significantly better than the local varieties of Jinan. However, straight varieties such as Tianjin blueberry leaves and other varieties in economic growth, strong resistance to disease, high yield, can increase the production of local unit area. Heart-type Texas fragrant seed and other varieties can be used for early cultivation in order to early local cabbage supply period. Reference to foreign varieties must pay attention to their growth characteristics and cultivation techniques in order to get favorable results. During the course of this experiment, we got many assistance from two of our comrades, Lin Weishen, Jiang Weiming, during the course of our study.
很多高中生在英语学习出现无助感,或者说是无力感。心理学家把这种现象叫做习得性无助(Learned helplessness)。它是指一个人经历了失败和挫折后,面对问题时产生的无能为力的心理状态和行为。对于高中生而言,他们并不是不想学习英语,而是虽然很努力,但是学习效果却很差,从而导致了很强的挫败感,以至于失去了学习英语的信心。这种现象甚至导致了部分学生心理上的问题,如自卑、自我放弃等,也会产生认知
兰科植物种类繁多,千姿百态。云南省兰属(Cymbidium sp.)自然分布最为广泛,资源丰富,被誉为云南八大名花之一。野生兰属植物在自然条件下种间能自然杂交,常常产生众多的优良