
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwsxty
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作者们通过173例声带癌病人的情况分析,强调指出,单独作间接喉镜检查可以从临床上明确诊断,但不能确定其真实范围以及有无浸润。为此,必须在全麻下加用箭毒使声带肌肉完全松弛,然后用吸引器头触诊声带,这样才能确定肿瘤的范围以决定手术方式;对于喉室和声门下,可用细小的直角光源插入窥镜检查,也可用手轻压环甲膜使该处粘膜突出便于观察前联合下方的浸润,所有检查都应在喉显微镜下进行。作者将声带癌分成四类:Tla肿瘤局限于单侧声带,Tlb肿瘤位于双侧声带,二者声带均活动。T 2为肿瘤蔓延到声门上或声门下,声带活动正常或稍差。T 3肿瘤限于喉内,但有一或两侧声带固定。T4肿瘤发展到喉外。对于Tla,Tlb, By analyzing 173 patients with vocal cord cancer, the authors emphasize that indirect laryngoscopy alone can be clinically definitive, but its true extent and its infiltration can not be determined. To this end, must be added under general anesthesia with varabar cuffs to completely relax the vocal cord muscles, and then use the suction head palpation of the vocal cords, so as to determine the scope of the tumor to determine the surgical approach; for the throat and glottis, the available small rectangular light source Insert the endoscopic examination, but also can be mild hand pressure ring membrane to make mucosal prominent here to facilitate observation of the joint before the infiltration, all checks should be carried out under the laryngoscope. The authors categorized vocal cord cancers into four categories: Tla tumors confined to unilateral vocal cords, Tlb tumors located in bilateral vocal cords, and both vocal cords were active. T 2 tumor spread to the supraglottic or supraglottic, vocal cord activity is normal or slightly worse. T 3 tumors are confined to the larynx but have one or both vocal cords fixed. T4 tumors develop outside the throat. For Tla, Tlb,
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