实行计划生育是我国的一项基本国策,国家提倡一对夫妻只生一个子女。因此,避孕就成为实行计划生育的一项重要措施。 一个育龄妇女从初产到绝经期的20多年时间里都必须采取科学、合理的方法进行避孕或绝育。月经周期正常的妇
The implementation of family planning is one of China’s basic state policies. The state advocates that a couple have only one child. Therefore, contraception has become an important measure to implement family planning. A woman of childbearing age must take a scientific and rational method of contraception or sterilization for more than 20 years from the first trimester to the menopause. Menstrual cycle of normal women