
来源 :地震地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:super_sxw777
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地震预报和工程建设开展,有力地推动和促进了对活断层的广泛调查和深入研究。从另一方面看,近20年,特别是近10年来的活断层研究成果,又使人们对地震发生的构造环境有了更深入的了解和更明确的认识,对工程场地断层活动性评定有了更科学的依据和更有效的方法。正是在上述背景和基础上编写出来的《活断层及其工程评价》一书,系统地反映了活断层研究的最新成果和发展动向。 全书共分5章,系统阐述了活断层基本特征、地质灾害、调查方法及其工程评价原理、方法和实例。第1章介绍活断层含义和习性,第2、3章叙述活断层可能引起的各种灾害和14种调查方法,第4、5章论述活断层工程评价的主要问题、方法原理和评价实例。作者提出了对活断层准确度、活动度和危险度等概念含义的 Earthquake prediction and engineering construction carried out, which effectively promoted and promoted extensive investigation and in-depth study of the active fault. On the other hand, the research results of active faults in recent 20 years, especially in the past 10 years, have given people a deeper understanding and clearer understanding of the tectonic setting of the earthquake. A more scientific basis and more effective method. It is exactly on the above background and foundation that the book “Active Fault and Its Engineering Evaluation” book, systematically reflects the latest achievements and development trend of active fault research. The book is divided into 5 chapters, systematically described the basic features of active faults, geological disasters, survey methods and engineering evaluation principles, methods and examples. The first chapter introduces the meaning and habits of the active faults. The second and third chapters describe the various disasters and 14 investigation methods that the active faults may cause. The fourth, fifth chapters discuss the main problems, methods, principles and examples of the evaluation of the active faults. The authors propose concepts such as accuracy, activity and risk of active faults
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