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正在《生活报·大兴安岭版》连载的我区作家韩立东的长篇小说《极地胭脂》,是近年来鲜见的一部描写北方边民生活的文学力作。小说以百年前李金镛率人开赴漠河胭脂沟创办漠河金矿这一史实为据,演绎出权力与金钱笼罩下的人生百态。我认为这部小说较为显著的特点有三:一是这部长篇小说具有很好的史料价值。作者以“长河式”结构(法国十八世纪的一种小说结构形式,其特点为人物众多,不以固定人物的命运演进的小说结构方式)全景式展示了百年前首批开进漠河老沟的先驱们,在极 The “Polar Rouge”, a novel written by Han Lidong, a writer in our district, which is being published in Daily News · Daxinganling Edition, is a rare literary masterpiece depicting the life of the northern border people in recent years. A hundred years ago, the novel led by Li Jinping led the Mohe Rougeou founded the Mohe gold mine is based on the historical facts, deduces the power and money enveloped the life style. I think this novel has three salient features: First, the novel has a very good historical value. The author of the “river” structure (French 18th century structure of a novel structure, characterized by numerous characters, not the fate of fixed figures evolved novel structure) panoramic display of a hundred years ago, the first into the Mohe Pioneers of the old ditch, in the extreme
<正> 随着我国改革开放的不断发展,来华工作、旅游的外国人日益增多,外国人在华犯罪的情况也日渐突出。一些外国公民因触犯我国刑法,受到我国司法机关的刑事处罚。如何矫正这些外籍囚犯成为我国监狱管理机关在新的形势下面临的一个现实问题。笔者认为,外籍囚犯移管不失为解决这一问题的有效途径。在六十年代,我国曾有过将在华犯罪判刑的外国公民送回其本国服刑的实
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本文阐述湖湘文化在远古时代的起源、奴隶社会时期的初步发展、封建社会前期的继续发展、宋元明清时期的蓬勃发展及近现代走向鼎盛的演变史。 This article expounds the or
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