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本文主要阐述了城市对自然灾害的承载力,也是人类在不断扩大城市建设中的主要问题。当前,城市的建设者们只考虑了眼前社会的经济指标,政绩和经济的斩时繁荣,却忽略了大都市在建设过程中如何均衡自然灾害与城市抗力的这一连带关系。然而,我们人类在自然灾害面前却显得是那么的脆弱、无力和忧伤,不知有多少次灾难历史值得回顾。况且,近几年的印尼海啸、汶川大地震、唐山地震、由地震而引发的火山灾害等诸多问题历历在目。中国南方的雪灾,嫩江和长江以及松花江的洪涝灾害等等,哪一次的自然灾害不涉及到人类巨大的生命和财产损失。而在自然灾害中,城市及城镇所占的损失比例最高、损失最惨重。虽然城市的基础建设在表面上看是固若金汤、坚如磐石,但又怎能抗拒多大的自然灾害指数呢?而由自然灾害引发的次生灾害又有多少呢?核泄漏、有害化学物质形成的空气污染、水质污染、食品污染、疾病的传播等等问题,我们人类又如何面对呢?不论我们构建了多大规模的城市,但首先要考虑到是我们城市如何来承载自然灾害对它的破坏力。 This paper mainly expounds the bearing capacity of cities for natural disasters and also the main problem for mankind in expanding urban construction. At present, urban builders only consider the immediate social economic indicators, political achievement and the economic boom, but ignore the metropolitan construction in the process of how to balance the natural disasters and the city’s resistance to the relationship. However, we human beings are so vulnerable, weak and sad in the face of natural disasters. We do not know how many times the history of disasters is worth recalling. Moreover, in recent years, Indonesia tsunami, Wenchuan earthquake, Tangshan earthquake, volcanic disasters caused by the earthquake and many other issues vividly. The snowstorms in southern China, the floods in the Nenjiang River, the Yangtze River and the Songhua River and so on, which natural disasters do not involve the huge human lives and property losses. In natural disasters, cities and cities account for the highest proportion of losses and the worst losses. Although the city’s infrastructures are rock-solid and rock-solid on the surface, how can they resist natural disasters? How many secondary disasters are caused by natural disasters? Nuclear leaks and harmful chemical substances Air pollution, water pollution, food contamination, disease transmission and so on, how can we human beings? No matter how large-scale cities we construct, we must first consider how our cities bear the damage caused by natural disasters force.