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更加宏伟的深海壮举,更加新奇的海底发现,正在向我们走来。21世纪是海洋的世纪,当今时代是深海的时代。潮涨潮落,此消彼长,这就是历史。古往今来,约占地球71%的蓝色国土,总是与人类的生存发展息息相关。有位哲人说过,古今中外的历史表明,海洋在一定程度上来说,主宰着一个国家的兴衰,凡是大力向海洋发展的国家,国势便会迅速走强。纵观中华民族5000年文明史,开放向海的朝代往往兴旺发达,而闭关、内收到朝代,则 More magnificent deep sea feat, more novel discovery of the seabed, is coming to us. The 21st century is the century of the sea. Nowadays the era of deep sea. Ebb tide, the shift, this is history. Throughout the ages, about 71% of the earth’s blue territory has always been closely linked to the survival and development of mankind. A philosopher has said that the past history at home and abroad shows that the ocean, to a certain extent, dominates the rise and fall of a country and that its strength will rapidly increase in any country that has vigorously developed into the oceans. Looking at the 5000-year history of civilization of the Chinese nation, the dynasties that opened to the sea often prospered while retreating,
20 0 0年全年及 2 0 0 1年前 4个月这 1 6个月期间国内有 8期期刊为《国际航空宇航摘要》(InternationalAerospace Abstracts,简称 IAA)收录的平均行数在 9.0 0以上。这 8期
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报道 1例 IA1期宫颈腺癌伴双侧盆腔淋巴结转移的病例。患者 62岁 ,绝经 7年 ,一直行激素替代治疗。因阴道不规则出血 2周 ,诊刮病检为“子宫内膜癌”。腹部 B超及 CT检查均未