An Analysis on Cross

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  Abstract:In this paper,by the means of taking a deep dive into some facts and fictions,a cross-cultural analysis on language gender bias issue in different cultural ethos will attempt to be given with a Sino-American comparison.Hopefully,it can work as a reference under intercultural circumstances and help with dealing cross-cultural misunderstanding caused by high/low context.
  Key Words:language gender bias;feminism,cross-cultural perspective;Sino-American comparison;high/low context
  Gender bias remains one of the most frequently referred-to topics in the 21st century,having been raised to an unprecedented status recently as an increasingly growing number of celebrities call for girl power in public.Moreover,civilians worldwide have shown their support,confusion and in some cases disapproval of how to back up for girls simultaneously towards this issue on and off line.Out of a thousand varieties of gender discrimination,language gender bias stands out and is discussed in detail in the following paragraphs due to its popularity.
  1.Prevalent Gender Bias Despite Cultural Background
  Gender bias has been such a touchy issue that even genetic studies of women’s incapacity to control their own body have been called off due to the rage of feminists.
  It’s tough to measure and pinpoint exactly where or when gender stereotype prevails most.
  1.1Sexism’s Existence Proven after Simulating Social Experiment in Yale
  In a real-world setting,the fact is that a man is usually selected for hire over a woman;fewer women reach higher positions;there’s a gender gap in publications.Bias may be suspected in some cases,but the difficulty in using outcomes to prove it is that the differences could be due to many potential factors.We can speculate:perhaps women are less interested in the field.Perhaps women make lifestyle choices that lead them away from leadership positions.
  However,in a groundbreaking study published in PNAS last week by Corinne Moss-Racusin and colleagues,the research from Yale was to have scientists presented with application materials from a student applying for a lab manager position and who intended to go on to graduate school.In order to keep the experiment randomized and under control,two identical human beings – identical in intelligence,competence,lifestyle,goals,etc.– with the one difference between them that one is a man and one is a woman were chosen.
  [1]Quite notably,half the scientists were given the application with a male name attached,and half were given the exact same application with a female name attached.Results found that the “female” applicants were rated significantly lower than the “males” in competence,hire ability,and whether the scientist would be willing to mentor the student.   Hence,it’s safe to say that study found when absolutely all other factors were held equal,females were discriminated against in science.Sexism does exist.
  1.2 Gender Bias in America and China
  In the east,more specifically,in China,the typical blueprint for women would be to cultivate children and endure domestic life.Although some distinctive women like Mu Lan and Dou E in Chinese history were remembered who symbolize the strong image of female,they are not the majority.More often,women are traditionally characterized to be obedient and supposed to follow whatever males say.This preference and assumption of weakness and delicacy being considered as beauty has been even carried on to these days.
  In America,nevertheless,feminists go all the way back.In 1960,the world of American women was limited in almost every respect,from family life to the workplace.A woman was expected to follow one path:to marry in her early 20s,start a family quickly,and devote her life to homemaking.Wives bore the full load of housekeeping and child care,spending an average of 55 hours a week on domestic chores.They were legally subject to their husbands via "head and master laws," and they had no legal right to any of their husbands' earnings or property,aside from a limited right to "proper support";husbands,however,would control their wives' property and earnings.If the marriage deteriorated,divorce was difficult to obtain,as "no-fault" divorce was not an option,forcing women to prove wrongdoing on the part of their husbands in order to get divorced.
  The feminist movements of the 1960s and 70s in America have achieved great success.It originally focused on dismantling workplace inequality,such as denial of access to better jobs and salary inequity,via anti-discrimination laws.At the same time in history,the public in China were still trying to have some limited understanding about gender bias and feminism due to the culture shock brought by western dwellers.
  2.Language Gender Bias in Chinese and American English Language
  Gender-Biased language includes expressions that demean or exclude people because of age or sex,either presented orally or in written form.In both Chinese and American English language,it’s not hard to find examples of lexis and collocations that can be easily labelled as sexism.
  2.1 Examples Showing that English Language Is Biased in and of Itself
  Language is not only a tool to express ourselves and communicate with others,but also a reflection of the societal realities and the cultures.Therefore,like other factors in our society,sexism has also exerted influences during the development of language.There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed(some of them have changed with the new wave of “political correctness” coming about)that have inherently been sexually biased against women.Moreover,generally,more words in English are used to describe males than females.More of these words are positive for men,while more often having negative connotations for women.   In the first case,for instance,the person who investigates reported complaints(as from consumers or students),reports findings,and helps to achieve fair and impartial settlements is ombudsman(Merriam-Webster Dictionary),but ombudsperson at Indiana State University.[2]This is a typical example of the gender bias that exists in the English language.
  In the latter one,the language is arranged so that men are identified with leading positions,and women are identified with more service-oriented positions in which they are being dominated and instructed by men.So the language used to convey this type of male supremacy is generally reflecting the honored position of the male and the obedience of the female.Even in relationships,the male in the home is often referred to as the “man of the house,” even if it is a 4-year-old child.It is highly insulting to say that a 4-year-old male,based solely on his gender,is more qualified and capable of conducting the business and affairs of the home than his possibly well-educated,highly intellectual mother.There is a definite disparity in that situation.[3]
  2.2 Comparison between Chinese Language and American English Language
  in A Cross-cultural Point of View.
  Just as American English,a lot of vocabulary and phrases exist in Chinese that emphasis masculinity over felinity and so does a set of name-calling system in favor of man due to a historical background of man-centered society for hundreds of years.However,there are some Chinese words and phrases that are perfectly acceptable are considered gender-biased for English-speaking people in the United States.
  3.1 Applying High/low Context Method to the Four-word Idiom Hongxiutianxiang
  According to Edward Hall,he distinguishes among cultures on the basis of the role of context in communication.In high-context culture,most of the information is in the physical context or is internalized in the people who are a part of the interaction.Very little information is actually coded in the verbal message.In low-context cultures,such as German and American,however,most of the information is contained in the verbal message,and very little is embedded in the context or within the participants.[4]
  Hongxiutianxiang,a traditional Chinese four-word idiom adopted from ancient Chinese poem,as in describing a quite aesthetic and poetic scenario that a fair lady in red helps with adding some scent while her lover is reading,is criticized by American for being sexism.Word for word,the literal meaning is the girl in red helps with making some fragrance and it gradually evolves into an iterative image in Chinese literature.It is supposed to be connected with beauty and symbolizes romantic love story.After the first look,it seems that its sign of putting female subjected to male contradicts with feminism in America.As a matter of fact,that is not the exact truth.In the case of Hongxiutianxiang,due to Chinese language featuring high context,it is so generalized and visualized that it can only be understood with certain level of proficiency in Chinese socio-culture and reading nonverbal cues.As English speakers,they rely much on literal meaning and employ linear logic more.   3.2 High/low Context Theory Regarding Buzz Words
  Another case on point concerning high/low context is that some popular Internet words in China having the meaning that girls just have to be pretty all day and spend money from their husbands are also categorized as slightly sexism.As a matter of fact,rather than that,this buzz word actually is based on the prerequisite that there is a responsible husband in the family.It’s not like their husbands would require their spouses to do so.In this situation,American say no directly and they value more about individual girl power than the crucial role of female in an organically-functioning family.
  Language is a very powerful element.It is the most common method of communication.Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted,for language is a very complicated mechanism.There are times when in conversation with another individual,that we must take into account that the person’s cultural background.Without prudent use,it is also the most effective weapon of destruction.Although there are biases that exist in the English language,there have been considerable changes toward recognizing these biases and making the necessary changes formally so that they will be implemented socially.More importantly,a cross-cultural perspective is supposed to be applied in order to avoid biased writing in multicultural context and not sound inappropriate or even rude.
  [1] Moss-Racusina,Corinne A.Dovidiob,John F.Brescollc,Victoria L.Grahama,Mark J.and Jo Handelsmana.Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students[J].Chicago:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2013:23-30.
  [2] Zheng,Lingping.Jounrnal of Ningbo Radio & TV University [N].Ningbo:Ningbo Radio & TV University Press,2004:5-6.
  [3] Zheng,Lingping.Jounrnal of Ningbo Radio & TV University [N].Ningbo:Ningbo Radio & TV University Press,2004:10-11.
  [4] Dou,Weilin.Intercultural Business Communication[M].Beijing:Higher Education Press,2011:61-62.
摘 要:众所周知,一项精品的优质建筑工程离不开质量好、合格达标的建筑材料,而建筑材料是建筑工程核心,建筑材料的好坏直接决定着整个建筑工程质量的好坏。因此,在建筑工程中,把好建筑材料关是非常重要的,这就要求必须重视建筑材料的检测工作。必须按照国家及检测部门的管理规定,采用科学的检测方法,才能准确鉴定建筑材料合格与否,才能保证建筑工程的质量。  关键词:建筑材料;检测方法;质量  一、建筑材料检测  
摘 要:本文分析了影响建筑工程施工质量的主要因素,我们提出了建筑工程施工新技术的具体应用:一是钢筋连接施工新技术在建筑工程中的应用,二是防水施工新技术在建筑施工中的应用,三是大体积混凝土新施工技术在建设工程中的实际应用,四是提高建筑施工材料的质量管理。  关键词:公共建筑工程;施工质量;管理  一、前言  改革开放以来,我国经济正处于快速增长阶段,随着基础设施建设的进一步扩大,建筑业日新月异。随着
摘 要:新时期下,为了切实满足我国经济增长的迫切需要,走绿色发展的可持续道路,建筑行业需要提高对节能技术的重視。工民建项目作为我国关键的基础性建设,与人民的生活生产具有密切关系,但是当前,在其施工中存在严重的资源和能源浪费情况,因此,节能技术在其施工中的应用,已经成为我国公众和社会关注热点话题。  关键词:工民建施工;节能技术;应用分析  1 工民建施工中应用节能技术的积极意义  节能技术主要体现
摘 要:建筑质量问题一直是人们关注的热点问题,随着我国经济的飞速发展,工民建工程逐渐增多,紧抓工民建工程的建筑質量,为人们的住房安全提供保证,有助于我国和谐社会的构建,也有助于我国经济的平稳发展。在建筑市场激烈的竞争环境下,建筑施工面临着越来越大的挑战,建筑规模不断增加,建筑结构框架非常复杂,因此工民建施工需要不断革新工艺,努力提高防渗漏技术,严格控制每一个施工环节。  关键词:工民建;防渗漏;分
摘 要:对于进行的水文地质岩土工程勘察设计与施工工作的进行,能够保证工程建设任务顺利完具有非常重要的意义,可以提前发现水文地质因素对工程建设的不利因素,从而能够为防治措施的制定提供可靠的参考依据,以保证工程建设的安全与质量。  关键词:水文地质;岩土工程;勘察设计;施工  1 岩土工程勘察中水文地质问题分析的主要内容  首先,应该对地下水对岩土体产生的一系列影响展开分析。这个过程当中就需要对展开岩
摘 要:园林工程的建设不仅依赖优质的设计,而且依靠有效的园艺技术来实现。只有把园林景观设计与园艺技术结合起来,才能完美的呈现园林景观的设计理念,满足人们的观赏、休闲与环保需要。本文结合园林景观与园艺技术的特点,探讨两者结合的方式,并适当的加以改进。  关键词:园艺技术;园林景观设计;结合策略  当前园林景观的建设需要园艺技术的支持,只有把园林工程设计需要与园艺技术结合起来,才能发挥各自优势,使园林
摘 要:要想使工程施工能够符合设计要求就要保证土木工程的建筑施工管理。要将此贯穿在工程项目建设的整个过程中。整个工程项目的质量受到施工管理质量的影响。所以,要在建设工程之中,一样要全方位的管理好工程施工。根据施工中的经验表明,要减少管理上的欠缺,尽量推广有效科学的管理策略,使得施工的效率能够更好地提高。  关键词:土木工程建筑;管理工作  1我国土木工程建筑施工管理存在的问题  1.1 土木工程建
摘 要:改革开放以来,国家加速建设高速公路,大力推进高速公路的桥梁建设。部分公路桥梁由于没有得到必要维护等原因,发生了日益严重的问题,影响了这些桥梁的正常使用。应该测定公路桥梁的具体病害与损伤,抓住加固施工技术的要点,采取针对性的措施和策略,进行有效的加固施工,延长公路桥梁的使用寿命。  关键词:公路桥梁;施工要点;加固技术  前言  高速公路桥梁受到自然环境的作用和影响,寿命周期通常情况下会低于
摘 要:进入新时期以来,我国的经济发展较快,促进了我国水利水电事业的进步。在水利水电工程之中,对其质量产生直接影响的是水利水电施工。为了保证水利水电工程的施工质量,本文简要论述了水利水电工程的施工质量以及相关管理措施。  关键词:水利水电;施工质量;管理措施  水利工程建设施工项目所涉及的范围较广,而且其工作量和工作难度大,为了使国家和人民的生命财产得到保障,并且保证水利事业的快速稳定的发展,需要
摘要:水利工程作为社会经济发展的重要基础设施,在改善工农业生产发展条件、提高城市抗旱排涝能力、促进建设高产稳产的农田和优秀的城市经济开发区等方面发挥着非常重要的作用。本文对水利工程自动化管理中存在的问题,以及对相应采取的措施进行了探讨。  关键词:水利工程;自动化;管理  水利工程自动化是指采用自动化控制技术和信息技术实现水利信息自动采集和水利设施自动控制的专项工程。计算机技术、电子技术和通讯技术