
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walkeronmoon
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Background. Previous studies have reported the results of fullthickness diaphragmatic resection for ovarian cancermetastatic to the diaphragm. Case. We present the first case of an extensive full- thickness diaphragmatic resection performed using the EndoGIA [US Surgical Corp., Norwalk, CT staple device followed by successful reconstruction using a Gore- tex (W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc., Newark, DE) graft. Conclusion. Full- thickness diaphragmatic resection using the EndoGIA stapling device is a safe and effectivemethod to completely remove extensive tumor during cytoreductive surgery. Use of the stapler expeditiously assists in removal of the specimen with minimal blood loss. In cases where large defects cannot be repaired primarily, a Gore- tex patch should be used. Background. Previous studies have reported the results of fullthickness diaphragmatic resection for ovarian cancer metastatic to the diaphragm. Case. We present the first case of an extensive full- thickness diaphragmatic resection performed using the EndoGIA [US Surgical Corp., Norwalk, CT staple device followed Full-thickness diaphragmatic resection using the EndoGIA stapling device is a safe and effective method to completely remove extensive tumor during cytoreductive surgery. Use by recombinant reconstruction using a Gore-tex (WL Gore and Associates, Inc., Newark, DE) graft. Conclusion of the stapler expeditiously assists in removal of the specimen with minimal blood loss. In cases where large defects can not be repairedersey, a Gore-tex patch should be used.
1 病例报告患者男,58岁。因肺癌并发脑转移,误服外用“速效止痛拔癌膏”7.5g,该药的主要成分为蜈蚣及蝎毒素。服后出现频繁呕吐,吐物为非血性的胃内容物,躁动不安。四肢抽搐
文章简介了石咀子水库工程固结灌浆。 The article introduces Shizui Reservoir consolidation grouting.
对于严重免疫功能抑制的患者 ,机会性感染的治疗和预防仍然非常重要。   卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎  目前 ,未经有效预防的艾滋病毒 (HIV)感染者或新近诊断有合并症的晚期患者 ,通常
198 3年~ 1995年 ,在英格兰和威尔士 5~ 64岁的人群中 ,虽然哮喘患者的死亡率大约以每年 6%的比例下降1,但每年仍约有 2 0名儿童和 160 0名成人死于急性哮喘。在这些病例中 ,严
目的通过一起水痘暴发疫情调查处理,分析其流行特征,探讨预防控制措施,为今后农村学校水痘疫情处置提供参考。方法运用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果 2014年5月6日至6月24