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进入新千年后,“二000”的使用变得十分普遍,几乎所有行业的行政公文、公函、往来信件均无一例外地要有时间落款,但笔者发现很多公文在时间落款的格式用法颇为不妥。如:将落款时间打印成二000年、二OOO年或二零零零年。其实这些表示方法均不准确或是错误的。这是因为:“0”是阿拉伯小写数字,“O”是英文字母,“零”是中文数字的大写,而“二”则是中文数字的小写(大写应为“贰”)。 遵照《中华人民共和国汉字使用规范》要求,它们之间均不能搭配使用。正确的搭配方法应是数字、汉字、大小写之间的适当组合,如“2”与“0”、“二”与“O”、“贰”与“零”搭配使用。但常用的汉字输入法,如:五笔字型法、拼音输入法、智能ABC输入法、联想输入法、智能狂拼输入法等汉字输入方法中,均无正确输入方法。这里介绍几种方法,以供参 Since the entry into the new millennium, the use of the “2000” has become quite commonplace. Administrative documents, official letters, correspondences and letters have been made in almost all industries without time, but the author finds that many documents are frequently used over time inappropriate. For example, the printing time will be printed in 2000, 2000 or 2000. In fact, these methods are not accurate or wrong. This is because “0” is an Arabic lowercase digit, “O” is an English alphabet, “zero” is a Chinese uppercase, and “two” is a lowercase Chinese (uppercase “II”). In accordance with the “People’s Republic of China Chinese use of norms” requirements, between them can not be used with. Correct collocation method should be the appropriate combination of numbers, characters, and case, such as “2” and “0”, “two” and “O”, “two” and “zero” with. However, common Chinese input methods, such as: Wubi fonts, Pinyin input method, the smart ABC input method, the Lenovo input method, the smart crazy spelling input method and other Chinese input methods, no correct input method. Here are some ways to participate
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Lucas Levitan是现居伦敦的巴西人,他是插画家,是摄影师,是艺术指导,还是电影人。他特别喜欢干的一件事就是“入侵”instagram图片网站上用户的私人照片,用他有一点点“扭曲
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