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一、四、六级统考的积极作用统考有一种强大的导向作用。所谓导向作用就是它能引导广大英语教师注重双基教学,奠定坚实的英语基础。在提高考试成绩的同时,还要提高实际应用语言的能力。纵观十五年来的四、六级考试试题,命题者在命题过程中不断改进考试内容,不断更新完善试题形式。在听力理解部分增加了 spot dictation 和 compounddictation。阅读理解部分增加了 trans-lation 和 briefanswers。这些都体现了对学生的基本知识水平要求越来越高,对学生的基本技能要求也越来越全面,而 compound dictation,brief answers和 translation 又注重了学生主观能力水平的提高。所谓推动作用,即推动了 The positive effects of the first, fourth, and sixth grade examinations have a strong guiding role. The so-called guiding role is that it can guide the majority of English teachers to pay attention to double-based teaching and lay a solid foundation for English. While improving test scores, we must also improve the ability to actually use the language. Throughout the 15th and 16th grade exam questions, the propositionaries continued to improve the examination content during the proposition process, and constantly updated and improved the examination form. Added spot dictation and compounddictation in the listening comprehension section. The reading comprehension section adds trans-lation and brief answers. All of these reflect the increasingly higher level of students’ basic knowledge and the more and more comprehensive requirements for students’ basic skills. Compound dictation, brief answers and translation also emphasize the improvement of students’ subjective ability. The so-called promoting role is to promote
The little bird took nectar (花蜜) from a flower. This sweet liquid was food for the bird. She used her long bill to get at the nectar deep in the flower. The
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From the perch(小憩处)of my apartment’s highbalcony I had noticed them——these youngaspiring(有志气的)pilots,high-jumpers anddaredevils.I’d envied their gra
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英语单词“school”(学校)来自希腊语,原来意思是“空闲”。你一定会感到很奇怪——难道说,在“school”里的学习生活是“空闲”的吗? The English word “school” (schoo