
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongfangSS
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党和人民政府一向重視和關懷人民的文化教育事業。建國以來,在我們廣大的城市与鄉村中,新建了大批的校舍,僅一九五三年,國家直接投资建設的中等学校校舍面積即達一百七十多万平方公尺,这樣就使廣大勞動人民子女能進入学校学習。伴隨着我國經濟建設的发展,人民的物質、文化生活的逐步提高,廣大城鄉勞動人民对於新建学校的要求將愈益迫切。在这种情况下,如何根據國家现有的經濟條件,在節約的原則下做到“少花錢、多办事、事办好”,建設更多的学校,容納更多的学生,便成為目前普通教育基本建設中極其重要的問題。但是,目前我們有許多地區的普通教育基本建設工作还不能令人滿意,还存在着不少缺點与錯誤,主要表現在: 首先許多地區的学校設置缺乏計劃性,遠離居民、脫離群衆需要的不合理狀况是嚴重的。在建校 The party and people’s government have always attached importance to and care for people’s cultural and educational undertakings. Since the founding of the People’s Republic, a large number of new school buildings have been built in our vast cities and rural areas. In 1953, the number of secondary school buildings directly invested by the state amounted to 1.7 million square meters, The majority of working people and children can enter school. With the development of our country’s economic construction and the material and cultural life of the people gradually increasing, the demand of the working people in both urban and rural areas for the construction of new schools will become increasingly urgent. Under such circumstances, according to the existing economic conditions in the country, under the principle of saving money, it is possible to achieve the goal of “saving more, doing more things and doing good things” and building more schools to accommodate more students. The most important issue in basic education for general education. However, at present we have unsatisfactory education in capital construction in many areas. There are still many shortcomings and mistakes. The main features are as follows. First, the lack of planning in many parts of the school setting leaves residents far behind the masses. Reasonable situation is serious. In school
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