Gauging a Firm's Innovative Performance Using an Integrated Structural Index for Patents

来源 :Journal of Data and Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcom0907
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Purpose:In this contribution we try to find new indicators to measure characteristics of a firm’s patents and their influence on a company’s profits.Design/methodology/approach:We realize that patent evaluation and influence on a company’s profits is a complicated issue requiring different perspectives.For this reason we design two types of structural h-indices,derived from the International Patent Classification(IPC).In a case study we apply not only basic statistics but also a nested case-control methodology.Findings:The resulting indicator values based on a large dataset(19,080 patents in total) from the pharmaceutical industry show that the new structural indices are significantly correlated with a firm’s profits.Research limitations:The new structural index and the synthetic structural index have just been applied in one case study in the pharmaceutical industry.Practical implications:Our study suggests useful implications for patentometric studies and leads to suggestions for different sized firms to include a healthy research and development(R&D) policy management.The structural h-index can be used to gauge the profits resulting from the innovative performance of a firm’s patent portfolio.Originality/value:Traditionally,the breadth and depth of patents of a firm and their citations are considered separately.This approach,however,does not provide an integrated insight in the major characteristics of a firm’s patents.The Sh(Y) index,proposed in our investigation,can reflect a firm’s innovation activities,its technological breadth,and its influence in an integrated way. Purpose: In this contribution we try to find new indicators to measure characteristics of a firm’s patents and their influence on a company’s profits. Design / methodology /approach:We realize that patent evaluation and influence on a company’s profits is a complicated issue requiring different perspectives . For this reason we design two types of structural h-indices, derived from the International Patent Classification (IPC). In a case study we apply not only basic statistics but also a nested case-control methodology. Findings: The resulting indicator values ​​based on a large dataset (19,080 patents in total) from the pharmaceutical industry show that the new structural indices are significantly correlated with a firm’s profits. Research limitations: The new structural index and the synthetic structural index have just been applied in one case study in the pharmaceutical industry.Practical implications: Our study suggests useful implications for patentometric studies and leads to suggestions for dif ferent sized firms to include a healthy research and development (R & D) policy management. the structural h-index can be used to gauge the profits from the innovative performance of a firm’s patent portfolio. Originality / value: Traditionally, the breadth and depth of patents of a firm and their citations are considered separately.This approach, however, does not provide an integrated insight in the major characteristics of a firm’s patents.The Sh (Y) index, proposed in our investigation, can reflect a firm’s innovation activities, its technological breadth, and its influence in an integrated way.
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