
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrbwqwq
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对于一个优秀的民族来说,美育是一个永恒的主题。中华民族的文化遗产,博大精深,尤其是中国的书法和绘画,充分展示出形式美和精神美的高度统一。中国美学思想历来认为:艺术可陶冶人的情操,净化人的心灵。人的品性同样可以影响艺术作品的格调,升华艺术美的境界。人格修养和艺术修养并重的美学理念,在中国的书法和绘画中得到了证实。 20世纪的中国多灾多难,百年往事不堪回首。中国文化经历了革命、战争、动乱的洗礼。直到世纪末,才趋于稳定,国 For a good nation, aesthetic education is an eternal theme. The cultural heritage of the Chinese nation is profound and profound. The Chinese calligraphy and painting, in particular, fully demonstrate the high degree of unity between formal beauty and spiritual beauty. Chinese aesthetics has always held the view that art can cultivate people’s sentiments and purify people’s hearts. Human character can also affect the style of art works and sublimate the realm of art beauty. The aesthetic ideas of equal personality and artistic accomplishment have been confirmed in Chinese calligraphy and painting. In the 20th century, China was troubled and relentless in history. Chinese culture has experienced the baptism of revolution, war, turmoil. Until the end of the century, it tends to be stable
摘要:笔者结合自己多年的教学实践,提出几点在初中语文教学中开展生活化教学的途径,希望本文的写作可以引导更多的一线教师参与到该问题的研究当中来,积极探索新的方法,不断提高初中语文生活化教学质量。  关键词:初中语文;生活化教学;多媒体  新《语文课程标准》指出:语文教学要“沟通课堂内外,充分利用学校、家庭和社区等教育资源,开展综合性学习活动,拓宽学生的学习空间,增加学生语文实践的机会”。因此,注重语
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