Enhanced resistance of marine shrimp Exopalamon carincauda Holthuis to WSSV by injecting live VP28-r

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JERONG971
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Recombinant bacteria secreting the transmembrane-truncated region of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) envelope protein VP28 named DhpVB were constructed, using live Escherichia coli as a deliverer and a constitutive secretory expression plasmid as the expression vector. With the ability to deliver recombinant protein products outside, DhpVB could make VP28 directly interact with the shrimp when injected into shrimp. In order to test the protection potential, live DhpVB were injected into the marine shrimp Exopalamon carincauda Holthuis for three times and WSSV challenge was performed twice simultaneously at the last two injections of the bacteria. The results showed that DhpVB displayed statistically significant advantage over bacteria without VP28 after the second challenge with an average RI (Resistance index) of 0.67 ± 0.08, compared with 0.41 ± 0.09 of bacteria without VP28 (P <0.05). The data suggested that a quasi-immune response may exist in E. carincauda and live bacteria carrying VP28 could enhance the shrimp resistance against WSSV. Recombinant bacteria secreting the transmembrane-truncated region of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) envelope protein VP28 named DhpVB were constructed using live Escherichia coli as a deliverer and a constitutive secretory expression plasmid as the expression vector. With the ability to deliver recombinant protein products In order to test the protection potential, live DhpVB were injected into the marine shrimp Exopalamon carincauda Holthuis for three times and WSSV challenge was performed twice simultaneously at the last two injections of the bacteria. The results showed that DhpVB displayed statistically significant advantage over bacteria without VP28 after the second challenge with an average RI (Resistance index) of 0.67 ± 0.08, compared with 0.41 ± 0.09 of bacteria without VP28 (P <0.05). data suggested that a quasi-immune response may exist in E. carincauda and live bacteria car rying VP28 could enhance the shrimp resistance against WSSV.
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