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我是浦东新区林苑小学的一名体育教师,毕业于华东师范大学体育教育专业。投身体育教学工作的18年来,我一直辛勤耕耘在教学第一线。作为上海市普教系统名校长名师培养工程体育学科组学员、上海市体育学科带头人后备、上海市科教系统职工创新英才、浦东新区学科领军人才后备、浦东新区体育学科带头人、浦东新区明星教师,我以为人师表的实际行动、勇于创新的职业精神,受到了广大师生的尊重。18年,不断磨炼、历经蜕变1996年,大学毕业的我来到刚开办不久的林苑小学。那时,学校师生总计不到400人,体育专职教师只有我一人:没有经验,没有指导教师,一切都要靠自己。回忆当年, I am a physical education teacher in Linyuan Primary School in Pudong New Area and graduated from East China Normal University majoring in physical education. For 18 years in physical education, I have been working hard at the forefront of teaching. As a master of general education system in Shanghai, a teacher of engineering sports disciplines, a leader of Shanghai Sports Discipline, a talent innovation of Shanghai science and education system, a reserve of leading talents in Pudong New Area, a leader in sports disciplines in Pudong New Area, a star teacher in Pudong New Area , I think the actual actions of the teacher, the courage to innovate in professionalism, has been respected by the majority of teachers and students. 18 years, continue to temper, after the transformation 1996, graduated from college I came to just started Lin Yuan primary school. At that time, the total number of teachers and students in the school was less than 400, and there was only one full-time physical education teacher: I had no experience, no teacher, and everything was up to myself. Memories of the year,
It is of practical importance to establish the relationship between intensity andtoughness parameters and porosity of porous materials. This is of benefit not
In this paper,we present an exact higher-order asymptotic analysis on the near-crack-tip fields in elastic-plastic materials under plane strain,Mode 1.A four-