
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kent10211021
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教学内容是教师组织教学过程、实现教学目标的载体,只有高效地设计教学内容,才会更好地达到课堂教学的高效性。根据小学生的年龄特点、生理特点、认知特点以及知识发展的规律,根据促进学生思维活跃的根本需求设计教学内容,以学生的思维活跃程度来“度量”课堂的效率,以便达到“授人以渔”的教学目的。一、合理设计教学情境,营造思维氛围在课堂教学时,根据课堂教学内容设置有效教学情境,吸引学生的注意力, The teaching content is the carrier that the teacher organizes the teaching process and realizes the teaching goal. Only by efficiently designing the teaching content can the efficiency of classroom teaching be better achieved. According to the age, physiological characteristics, cognitive characteristics and the law of the development of knowledge, according to the primary school students to design the teaching content according to the basic needs of promoting students ’active thinking, with the students’ active level of thinking to “measure ” classroom efficiency, in order to achieve “ Teach people to fish ”teaching purposes. First, the rational design of teaching situations and create a thinking atmosphere In the classroom teaching, according to the content of classroom teaching to set effective teaching situations, to attract students’ attention,
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