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媒介改变着人们对世界的认知,作为最具影响力之一的电视媒介如何避免“导向偏离、价值缺失、责任失守”的理性迷失和价值误导急需破题。为此,必须充分认识电视评价体系在当代社会理性重构中的价值意蕴,重塑电视的文化使命,从资源整合的视角探索理性重构电视评价体系的时空进路,并从专业价值、社会价值、发展价值三个维度重构具有通约性和灵活性的电视评价体系,完善主管部门《关于建立广播电视节目综合评价体系的指导意见(试行)》的实施细则,解决电视当下的突出问题,促进我国电视产业的健康发展。 How the media, as one of the most influential media, has changed people’s understanding of the world? How to avoid the “loss of value, the loss of responsibility,” the misperception of value and the misleading of the value of the television media? To this end, we must fully recognize the value implications of the TV evaluation system in the rational social reconstruction of contemporary society, reshape the cultural mission of television, explore the time and space approach of rationally reconstructing the television evaluation system from the perspective of resource integration, and from the perspectives of professional value, Value and development value to reconstruct the TV evaluation system with commonality and flexibility and improve the implementation details of the Guiding Opinions of the Competent Authority on Establishing the Comprehensive Evaluation System of Radio and Television Programs (Trial Implementation) to solve the outstanding problems of the current TV , To promote the healthy development of China’s television industry.
中国是一个农业大国,乡村则是我国大多数人口的聚集地域,随着近年来经济的发展、城市化水平的提高,这一地域范围随时空动态变化,呈现出逐渐缩小的趋势。   乡村景观是指建立在
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In recent years, auction theory has been extensively studied and many state-of-the-art solutions have been proposed aiming at allocating scarce resources. Howev
在中国,?2016年上半年的中国媒体广告市场仍在狂风暴雨中艰难前行(同比增幅仅0.1%),其中消费者最习以为常的互联网广告媒体花费增幅为26.9%,而生活圈媒体代表之一的影院视频广告的增幅则达到77.1%,成为增长最快的媒体。  互联网广告:  价值既有亮点,也有尴尬点  Analysys易观数据显示,2016年上半年中国网络视频运营商市场规模为157.99亿元,同比增长56.1%。其中,移动视频