《建筑设计管理》创刊于1984年,是由中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部主管,中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司与中国勘察设计协会主办的国内外公开发行的建筑科学类综合性期刊,在全国建筑业内具有相当的权威性和影响力。本刊为月刊、大16开本、96页,每月25日出版;国内统一出版物号CN21-1311/TU,国际标准出版物号ISSN 1673-1093;邮发代号8-257,定价20元/期,240元/年。内容涵盖了建筑行业动态与热点,建筑企业改革与管理,建筑设计与技术等专
“Architectural Design Management” was founded in 1984 by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, People’s Republic of China, Northeast China Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. and China Survey and Design Association sponsored domestic and international public offering comprehensive architectural science journal National construction industry has considerable authority and influence. This issue is a monthly magazine, 16 large format, 96 pages, published on the 25th of each month; the domestic unified publication number CN21-1311 / TU, international standard publication number ISSN 1673-1093; postal code 8-257, pricing 20 yuan / Period, 240 yuan / year. Content covers the construction industry trends and hot spots, construction enterprise reform and management, architectural design and technology, etc.