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据有关资料介绍,全国供销社的社员股金占供销社全部自有资金的比例不到10%。为什么社员股金的发展这么缓慢呢?我认为除人们对供销社改革认识不一致,对供销社的基本原则欠了解外,一个重要原因是扩股方法不当,对股金的管理使用也不当。如有的供销社规定每股几元钱,一户社员只能入几股,引起农民的反感;有的盈余分配不与企业经济效益挂钩,固定一个保息分红比例,把股金搞成了纯粹的固定存款;也有的供销社由于把股金保息分红的固定比例定得较高,企业怕股金多了负担不起,认为扩股不如从银行贷款。在股金的管理使用方面,多数地方没有 According to the relevant information, members of the national supply and marketing cooperatives share of the total supply and marketing cooperatives less than 10% of their own funds. Why is the development of corporate members so slow? I think that in addition to people’s understanding of the supply and marketing cooperatives do not understand the basic principles of the supply and marketing cooperatives to understand, one important reason is the improper way to expand shares, the management of the stock is not properly used. If some supply and marketing cooperatives provide a few dollars per share, a member can only be incorporated into a few shares, causing peasant resentment; some are not linked with the economic efficiency of the enterprise, fixed a dividend ratio, the share became a Pure fixed deposits; and some supply and marketing cooperatives as a fixed percentage of dividend will be set higher, companies fear more than the share of the money can not afford to think that the expansion of shares from the bank loans. In the management of the use of shares, most places do not
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本文对研制的聚四氯乙烯和聚甲醛两种三层复合轴承材料进行摩擦磨损试验研究,并就轴承摩擦到表面结构对磨损性能的影响进行了试验分析,其结果可供实际应用时参考. In this pape
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一 普通语言学认为:语言是一种符号系统,文字又是记录语言的符号系统。世界上的文字大体可以分为:表意体系”和“表音体系”两大类型。 表音体系文字的“形”跟“音”有着直