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改革开放三十年来,文化艺术领域呈现出竞相繁荣的景象,军旅书法作为先进文化的重要元素,以其独有的军旅特色和艺术魅力,与改革开放同频共振走过了探索、创新硕果累累的三十年,军旅书法队伍已经成为中国书坛倍受瞩目的、不可或缺的强势劲旅,在全国历届书法大展赛中,都会涌现出许多军旅新秀,充分展现了军人特有的艺术风采。军旅书法不论从作品的数量上,还是作品的质量上,都取得了骄人的成绩。一、始终以弘扬先进文化为着眼点,从新时期部队特点上筹划军队书法创作工作。军旅书法创作,伴随着改革开放的春风,走过了从发展到繁荣的道路,可以说,改革开放给部队文化大建设大发展注入了生机与活力。进入新世纪,随着部队官兵文化素质的不断提高,对文化娱乐有了更高的需求。书法艺术创作工作从部队全局的高度思考和筹划部队文化建设,在创建军旅一流书法队伍上,以弘扬先进文化为着眼点,以立足传 Thirty years of reform and opening up, the field of culture and the arts has shown a prosperous scene. As an important element of advanced culture, military calligraphy has gone through exploration and innovation with the same frequency of resonance with the reform and opening up with its unique military characteristics and artistic charm. For thirty years, the military calligraphy team has become an indispensable and powerful brigade attracting much attention in the Chinese calligraphy scene. Many military rookie emerge in all the calligraphy exhibitions in the country and fully display the unique artistic style of the military. Military calligraphy both in terms of the number of works, or the quality of the work, have achieved remarkable success. First, we must always take the promotion of advanced culture as the starting point and plan the creation of military calligraphy work from the characteristics of the armed forces in the new period. Military calligraphy creation, along with the spring breeze of reform and opening up, has gone from development to prosperity of the road, it can be said that the reform and opening up to the great development of military culture has injected vigor and vitality. In the new century, with the continuous improvement of the cultural quality of officers and soldiers of the armed forces, there is a higher demand for cultural and entertainment. The work of calligraphy art thinking and planning the construction of army culture from the overall situation of the army, in the creation of military first-class calligraphy team, to carry forward the advanced culture as the focus, based on footing
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