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“聊聊京剧”这节课于2006年6月在教育部和中央教科所共同组织的“百千万工程”基础教育优质资源选拔活动获得示范课一等奖,为该课设计的课件获得大赛课件组特等奖,受到专家和同行们的充分肯定。本课采用“任务驱动——自主探究——协作学习——Web学习”等教学方法相融合的教学模式。在整个教学过程中,教师只是组织者,是学生主动构建知识的帮助者和促进者,通过引导、启发,让学生开展自主探究、小组协作学习,进行“探究质疑——自主创新——人人评价”的活动。本课的最大特点是精心设计的Web学习网站,体例上采用以信息为主线,任务为核心的模式,充分培养学生的自主性和探究性精神,体现了课程整合的思想,运用了“知识抢答、网络视听、任务驱动、网络投票”等方法,有效地完成了教学任务。在“唱、念、做、打”四项内容的教学中,每项内容分别设置不同的任务,在任务的驱动下,小组同学群体决策,通力协作,自由地学习、讨论、实践和表现。教师随机进行引导并实行网络监控。使学生在学习过程中获得愉悦的感受及体验,加深对京剧的体验和了解,培养学生的自信心和团结互助精神,发掘学生的艺术表演才能。突出体现了重视音乐实践,提倡学科综合,弘扬民族音乐的全新理念。在课堂教学中使用的多媒体课件和Web学习网站制作更突出了双向交互性的特点“,聊聊京剧”学习网站不仅丰富了课堂教学,拓宽了学生视野,更教给了学生主动学习的方法,从而真正实现了师生间、生生间的交流互动。本专辑中的三篇文章分别从教学设计、资源创建、技术支持和教学反思等方面对这节课进行了全面的介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。 “Talk about Peking Opera” This class in June 2006 in the Ministry of Education and the Central Institute of science and technology jointly organized by the “millions of engineering” basic education quality resources selection activities won the first prize of demonstration class, courseware designed for the class to get the contest Courseware Group Grand Prize, fully affirmed by experts and colleagues. This lesson adopts the teaching mode of “task-driven - self-exploration - collaborative learning - Web Learning” and other teaching methods. Throughout the teaching process, teachers are just organizers, helping and initiating students to take the initiative to build knowledge. By guiding and enlightening students to carry out autonomous inquiry and group collaborative learning, they make inquiry inquires - independent innovation - everyone Evaluation “activities. The most prominent feature of this course is the well-designed web learning website, which adopts the mode of taking the information as the main line and the task as the core, fully cultivates the students’ autonomy and exploratory spirit, embodies the idea of ​​curriculum integration, , Internet audio-visual, task-driven, online voting ”and other methods, effectively completed the teaching task. In the teaching of “Singing, Reading, Doing and Playing”, each content sets different tasks separately. Under the motivation of the task, the group of classmates make decisions, work together, and freely learn, discuss, practice and express themselves. Teachers randomly guide and implement network monitoring. This will enable students to have a pleasant experience and experience during the learning process, deepen their experience and understanding of Peking Opera, cultivate students ’self-confidence, solidarity and mutual assistance and explore students’ artistic performance skills. Highlighting the importance of music practice, to promote discipline synthesis, promote the new concept of national music. The use of multimedia courseware in classroom teaching and Web site learning more prominent two-way interactive features, “talk about Peking Opera” learning site not only enriched the classroom teaching, broaden the horizons of students, but also taught students the initiative to learn the method, So as to truly realize the interaction between teachers and students, between students and students. The three articles in this album provide a comprehensive introduction to this class from the perspectives of instructional design, resource creation, technical support, and teaching reflections, and I hope it will be helpful to all.