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今年年初,北京杰诺斯公司推出了6000元购买软件一套,馈赠586电脑一台的新举措。我们作为首批受馈赠的幼儿园,终于圆了电脑梦。短短七天的培训,使我这样一个年过不惑且从未接触过电脑的人,初步掌握了电脑使用的一些基本方法。从此,电脑开始在幼儿园发挥作用。幼儿膳食营养计算对于保健医生来说是一件异常繁琐费力的事,每月要用一周时间计算。现在使用“办公系统”中的“营养计算王”计算,仅用二三十分钟即可计算出结果,既节省了时间,同时提高了计算的准确性和科学性。全园的管理工作上了档次。过去用笔记园长日记,忙起来就忘了,现在每天下班前,我都习惯地坐在电脑前,把全天该记录的事项全部输入电脑,月终发工资和奖金时,只要把有关材料调出来一看,便一目了然。初步实现了现代化电脑办公。另外,大量的园务资料也已逐步输入电脑,有幼儿、职工档案,幼儿园各项管理制度、各种计划、总结等,可随时调用,十分方便。在教育教学方面,由于办公软件中储存了两百多万字的优秀教案,看了这些优秀的教案,令我们眼界大开,又为老师们提供了丰富的参考资料。 Earlier this year, Beijing Genos company introduced 6000 yuan to buy a set of software, gift 586 computer a new move. As the first kindergarten to receive gifts, we finally realized a computer dream. Just seven days of training, so that I am such a person who has never had contact with the computer, initially mastered some of the basic methods of computer use. Since then, the computer began to play a role in kindergarten. Nutritional and nutritional supplements for young children are an extremely tedious and laborious task for health practitioners, calculated on a weekly basis. Now using the “Nutritional Computing King” in the “Office System” calculation, the results can be calculated in only twenty or thirty minutes, saving time and improving the accuracy and scientificity of the calculation. The whole garden management work on the grade. In the past, using Notes diary diary, busy forgot, and now every day before get off work, I used to sit in front of the computer, the day all the matters recorded in the computer, end of the month wages and bonuses, as long as the relevant materials Called out, it is clear at a glance. The initial realization of a modern computer office. In addition, a large number of garden information has also gradually entered the computer, there are children, staff files, kindergarten management system, various plans, summary, etc., can be called at any time, is very convenient. In education and teaching, the Office of Excellence has stored more than two million excellent teaching plans in office software. Having read these outstanding teaching plans, we have opened our eyes to the world and provided a wealth of reference materials for teachers.
20 0 3年 3月 1 4日今天下午 ,我们在学校礼堂观看了电影故事片《惊涛骇浪》。电影以 1 998年我国长江、松花江流域发生百年一遇的特大洪涝灾害为背景 ,展示了一幅军民抗洪的
要写好一个人,根据本次习作的要求,应该注意以下三点: 一、选人要选择一个你最熟悉的人来写,只有最熟悉,才有可能写好。你熟悉的人会很多,如你的家人,爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶