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Objective To investigate the role of perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of cirrhotic liver. Methods With a 4F catheter, 1% diluted carbon tetrachloride (1 ml/kg) was selectively injected into right or left hepatic artery of 12 dogs fortnightly. The half liver into which carbon tetrachloride was injected was called as study side (SS), while the other half liver without carbon tetrachloride injection was called as study control side (SCS). Conventional and perfusion-weighted MRI were performed in every 4 weeks. Via a 4F catheter, 5ml gadolinium diethylentriamine pentaaceti acid (Gd-DTPA) dilution was injected into superior mesenteric artery at the 5th scan. The signal intensity-time curves of SS, SCS, and portal vein were completed in MR workstation. The maximal relative signal increase (MRSI), peak time (t_ p ), and slope of the curves were measured. Results On conventional MR images, no abnormalities of externality and signal intensity were observed in both SS and SCS of liver at each stage. The mean t_ p , MRSI, and slope of intensity-time curves in normal liver were 10.56 seconds, 1.01, and 10.23 arbitrary unit (au)/s, respectively. Three parameters of curves didn’t show obvious change in SCS of liver at every stage. Abnormal perfusion curves occurred in SS of liver at the 12th week after the 1st injection. The abnormality of perfusion curve in SS was more and more serious as the times of injection increased. The mean t_ p , MRSI, and slope intensity-time curves in SS of liver were 19.45 seconds, 0.43, and 3.60 au/s respectively at the 24th week. Conclusion Perfusion-weighted imaging can potentially provide information about portal perfusion of hepatic parenchyma, and to some degree, reflect the severity of cirrhosis. Methods With a 4F catheter, 1% diluted carbon tetrachloride (1 ml / kg) was selectively injected into right or left hepatic artery of 12 dogs fortnightly. The half liver into which carbon tetrachloride was injected was called as study side (SS), while the other half liver without carbon tetrachloride injection was called as study control side (SCS). Conventional and perfusion-weighted MRI were performed in every 4 The signal intensity-time curves of SS, SCS, and portal vein were completed in MR workstation. The 5-mg gadolinium diethylentriamine pentaaceti acid Maximal relative signal increase (MRSI), peak time (t_p), and slope of the curves were measured. Results On conventional MR images, no abnormalities of externality and signal intensity were observed in bo th SS and SCS of liver at each stage. The mean t_p, MRSI, and slope of intensity-time curves in normal liver were 10.56 seconds, 1.01, and 10.23 arbitrary units (au) / s, respectively. Three parameters of curves didn Abnormal perfusion curves occurred in SS of liver at the 12th week after the 1st injection. The abnormality of perfusion curve in SS was more and more serious as the times of injection increased. The Mean t_p, MRSI, and slope intensity-time curves in SS of liver were 19.45 seconds, 0.43, and 3.60 au / s respectively at the 24th week. Conclusion Perfusion-weighted imaging can potentially provide information about portal perfusion of hepatic parenchyma, and to some degree, reflect the severity of cirrhosis.
关于黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜五帝时代的文献记载, 其历史的基本框架、社会大事以及社会性质是可信的;并已被建国以来的考古发现初步证实,约当考古学上的龙山文化时代;是中国古
情景题是以课本核心知识和内容为基础,以生物学前沿科技、生命科学发展中的热点问题、社会生活中的现实问题、生物实验等为题材,用文字、数据、图表、图形、图线等形式向学生提供资料信息,考查学生运用知识解决实际问题能力的一类题型。在近几年高考中,此类题考查很多,为使学生能更好地掌握解题技巧,笔者对其做了如下分析。  1.情景题主要类型  1.1 情景素材衬托型  (2011安徽)29. II.大熊猫和华南虎
头痛型癫痫的临床表现酷似偏头痛或其他类型头痛,故常延误诊断和治疗。现将本院1990~1998年的24例头痛型癫痫的临床资料和脑电图结果分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组24例,男15例,女9例。年