苏州是我国著名的历史文化名城,物阜地灵,人文荟萃。在这片古老的土地上,曾产生过著名的吴门画派。特定的风土人情,形成了人们特定的审美取向、审美趣味和审美标准,并影响着这里文明的发展。近代美术史上,美术教育家、画家颜文梁先生在这里办美术教育,培养了一大批美术人才,为我国的美术教育事业作出了卓越的贡献,至今仍为后人所称道。 今天,苏州大学艺术学院美术系的教师们正在这块土地上施展着他们的才华。美术系的20多位教师来自国内著名的艺术院校,学科梯队和年龄结构合理,以中青年为主,年富力强,充
Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city in China. In this ancient land, there have been famous famous Wu school. Specific local customs and practices have shaped people’s specific aesthetic orientation, aesthetic taste and aesthetic standards and influenced the development of civilization here. In the history of modern art, art educator and painter Yan Wenliang held art education here, trained a large number of fine arts talents and made outstanding contributions to the art education in our country. Today, faculty at the Art Department of Suzhou University School of Art are exerting their talents on this land. Department of Fine Arts more than 20 teachers from well-known art colleges, subject echelon and age structure is reasonable, mainly young and middle-aged, prime of life, full of charge