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随着农村经济体制改革的不断深入,家庭联产承包责任制不断健全、完善,农业生产得到了较快的发展,广大农民得到了一些实惠,尝到了改革开放的硕果。但是长期以来,农业赋税政策一直未作调整,农业税的重复征收现象普遍存在,表现为:一、农业税与农林特产税重征。随着农业内部产业结构的调整,各地在发展农林特产品生产时,将原来一部分负担农业税的粮棉油等的种植土地,改为种养农林特产品的生产用地。这部分土地都是农业税的计税面积。自征收农林特产税以来,农业税任务从未减少,加之原常年产量中折合主粮就含有部分农林特产的产量,这样在同一块地上既征了农业税,又征了农林特产税,而且农民还要负担粮食定购任务,加重 With the deepening reform of the rural economic system, the household contract responsibility system has been continuously improved and perfected, and agricultural production has enjoyed rapid development. The vast number of peasants have enjoyed some benefits and tasted the fruits of reform and opening up. However, agricultural tax policy has not been adjusted for a long time. The phenomenon of repeated collection of agricultural tax is widespread, as follows: First, the agricultural tax and the special tax for agriculture and forestry are reemerged. With the adjustment of the industrial structure in agriculture, all parts of the development of special agricultural and forestry products production, the original part of the burden of agricultural tax grain and cotton cultivation of land, planting and breeding of special agricultural and forestry products for the production of land. This part of the land is the tax area of ​​agricultural tax. Since the special tax on agriculture and forestry has been levied, the task of agricultural tax has never diminished. In addition, the output of some basic agricultural and forestry specialties, including the staple products of the ordinary peasants’ output, has not only reduced the agricultural tax but also increased the special tax on agriculture and forestry, Food ordering task, aggravating
菜豆花叶病毒分离物NBV-7,经苋色藜(Chenopodium amaranticolor)单斑分离后进行鉴定,性状如下: 电镜观察,粒体呈线状,平均长度768nm。 NBV-7接种多种菜豆(Phaseolus vulgrai
白背飞虱(Sogatella furcifera)是水稻的重要害虫,自70年代中期开始,由于东南亚及我国南部稻区逐年在大面积上推广和种植抗褐稻虱而不抗白背飞虱的IR系统品种和杂优稻后,白
参加全国首届乡镇财政所长研讨班的近百名乡镇财政所长,就如何做好新形势下的乡镇财政工作进行了研讨,并提出了十条建议: 1.妥善处理部门关系。财政部门是综合部门,经常处于
小地老虎(Agrotis ypsilon Rott.)在北方各省普遍发生,其越冬代是棉花苗期的重要害虫。1984年春季,我们在平原县对小地老虎利用性诱剂进行测报,取得了较好的诱集效果。一、