Charlotte’s Web: A Fantasy Pig, A Positive Attitude towards Death

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  Abstract: Elwyn Brooks White (1899-1985) was an American writer, who was famous for his essays and children’s literature. His children’s books Stuart Little (1945), Charlotte’s Web (1952) and The Trumpet of the Swan (1970) are considered as the most beloved fairy tales of the twentieth century. Charlotte’s Web is the most popular one of them. The book is famous for its special language style and its gripping story. Since it was published in 1952, it has continued to hold its place at or near the top of “Best List” among children’s books. It has been translated into more than twenty languages and over five million copies have been sold. This paper tries to explore White’s positive attitude towards death through the ideal pig he created in his novel.
  Key words: White pig death
  1 A Fantasy Pig
  In his essay “Death of a Pig”, White said that “He (the pig) had evidently become precious to me, not that he represented distant nourishment in a hungry time, but that he had suffered in a suffering world. (77) While several years later, when Charlotte’s Web becomes popular, many readers ask that why he created such a story, E.B. White’s in his letter replied that: As for Charlotte's Web, I like animals and my barn is a very pleasant place to be, at all hours. One day when I was on my way to feed the pig, I began feeling sorry for the pig because, like most pigs, he was doomed to die. This made me sad. So I started thinking of ways to save a pig's life.
  These evidence shows that the death of the pig caused a profound trauma to him. The relationship between pig’s fate and humans’ entangles him for a long time because the essay was written in 1947while the book was published in 1952. The passing of time does not alleviate his guilt for the death of pig so that he considers saving pig’s life as his mission. Therefore, White depicts an ideal world in the novel where the pig is full of vitality. He not only gets rid of the fate being killed but also enjoys warmth and love.
  2 Enjoying the Right to Subsistence
  When the pig was born, he was a runt. Thus, the owner decided to kill him. But his daughter Fern appeared timely and said “It's unfair; the pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?" (3)By arguing with her father, Fern saved the pig’s life and name it Wilbur. When Wilbur encountered the fate of death second time, it was Charlotte the spider that comforted him and decided to save his life. She adopted her wisdom by weaving the four different words each time when Wilbur was faced with the coming death. With her unremitting effort and patience, the pig survived in the end.   2.1 Favorable Living Condition
  In terms of the place the pig lives, it is no longer the sawdust that possibly caused his death but the large barn which “often had a sort of peaceful smell – as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world.”(11) Moreover, “The barn was pleasantly warm in winter and it was pleasantly cool in summer when the big doors stood wide open to the breeze.” (11) After experiencing many difficulties and happy moments, Wilbur thought that “Life in the barn was very good - night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, dull days and bright days. It was the best place to be” (174)
  2.2 Enjoying Warmth and Love
  When Wilbur was small, Fern considered him as treasure and loved him more than anything. “She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed. (7) Sometimes, Fern went out with Wilbur and put him in the carriage alongside the doll.”(9) In the barn, Charlotte gave much encouragement and support to Wilbur which was helpful to make Wilbur keep innocence and carefree. When Wilbur boasted that he can spin a web, Charlotte did not laugh at immediately rather than say "Let's see you do it."(52)
  Charlotte often gave him confidence and hope to ensure him live a happy life. When it was time to sleep, Wilbur asked Charlotte to tell him a story. Charlotte did what Wilbur wanted although she was tired. Then Wilbur begged Charlotte told him another story, Charlotte did again. After that, Wilbur continued demanding Charlotte to do something for him. Charlotte sang a lullaby according to his requirement with patience so that Wilbur would not feel afraid and lonely. From these examples, it is obvious that White describes a fantasy world where the pig is surrounded by love and care.
  3 A Positive Attitude towards Death
  3.1 Death is Cyclic
  When Wilbur first met Charlotte, their conversations started like this: "Salutations!" said the voice. Wilbur jumped to his feet. "Salu-what?" he cried."Salutations are greetings," said the voice. (32) In the end, when Charlotte’s children were born, three of them still used the same way and same word to greet Wilbur. The seemly repeated situation represents a kind of cycle of life to some extent.
  Gloria Goldreich gave a much more vivid explanation about Charlotte’s death in his essay “What Is Death? The Answers in Children’s Books”. He points out that “in E. B. White’s classic book Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte, that rare and delicate spider who is not only a good writer but a good friend as well, devotes her life to ensuring the survival of Wilbur. Charlotte dies in the natural course of events…Just as there will be new trees spawned by the dead tree, new puddles to replace the dead puddle, so there will be new Charlottes to replace the brave dead spider. The children here are not assured that anything lived happily ever after but that another generation will spring up and live, if not forever, at least through a natural orderly life cycle”. (Goldreich, 19)   For individual, life is a short period when we are alive. White thinks of the death of person from the death of pig, here, in the novel, he warns people again that death is unavoidable for any living things by the death of Charlotte. As John Donne mentioned in his poem “Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions” that “No man is an island entire of itself/Everyone is a piece of continent, a part of the main/If a clod be wash away by the sea, Europe is the less/as well as if a manor or a friend’s or of thine own were/Anyone’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind/ And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls/ It tolls for you.”
  Nevertheless, he does not treat these gloomily due to he also depicts that the beautiful changes happened in the nature. “These autumn days will shorten and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, then the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen world.” (167) White eulogizes the power and charm of life in the nature between the lines since for the whole universe, life is eternal since life and death forms a cycle.
  3.2 How to Lead a Meaningful Life
  Although life is cyclic, life is transient for individual. Therefore, how to lead a meaningful life becomes the crucial question. In the novel, White demonstrated two kinds of life through the contrast between Charlotte and Templeton. When Charlotte was exhausted and close to death, Wilbur asked why she spared no effort to save him. Charlotte replied that “I weaved my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while and we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that."(156) Charlotte chose to help others to strengthen the value of life so that her ordinary life is changed. Moreover, the friendship lights up Charlotte’s life and endows her life a more profound meaning.
  On the other hand, Templeton said that “I prefer to spend my time eating, gnawing, spying, and hiding.”(26) As a glutton, Templeton often helped others on the condition that he can gain interest. Such as when Charlotte needed new ideas to save Wilbur’s life, his indifference and cruelty were revealed clearly. Only when the sheep told him that Wilbur's leftover food is his chief source of supply and Wilbur's destiny and his destiny are closely linked, he decided to accept the assignment. When Charlotte needed Templeton to go to the fair with her to ensure Wilbur was safe, he grumbled that "I haven't the slightest interest in fairs." Actually, it was another excuse to refuse to offer help. When the old sheep remarked, "A fair is a rat's paradise. " (116) with the temptation of the food, he promised to go. In the end, when Wilbur asked him to bring Charlotte's egg sac, what he cared about was not the danger of Charlotte’s children but complained that he had done too much. It is the interest that made him take action to help Charlotte once again. Templeton was a greedy and selfish figure, which forms a sharp contrast with the image of selfless Charlotte. Instead of lecture, White adopted those simple and persuasive evidence make people see clearly how to make a choice in finding ways of living a meaningful life.   4 Conclusion
  From his essay “death of a pig” he said that “The scheme of buying a spring pig in blossom time, feeding it through summer and fall, and butchering it when the solid cold weather arrives, is a familiar scheme to me and follows an antique pattern.” (77) Nevertheless, in looking for the sick pig, his role was changed, from the butcher in winter to the pig’s friend and physician, and with the change of the role came the change of feelings. “From the lustiness of a healthy pig a man derives a feeling of personal lustiness… the pig's imbalance becomes the man's, vicariously, and life seems insecure, displaced, transitory.”(80)
  As time goes by, his sympathy for pig is deepening, and the inner relationship of fate between pig and people is more much inseparable. Therefore, he created Charlotte’s Web to express his will to save pig and expound his profound thinking about death. In the novel, the pig enjoys the happiness of life. Firstly, he obtains the dignity and right to live and then he lives a comfortable place and tastes rich food. More importantly, he has an affectionate and loyal friend who accompanies him, comforts him and saves his life. If we say White outlines an ideal world to ease his sorrow and sorry for the death of pig, he also exhibits his positive attitude towards death in the fantasy world. Life is eternal for the nature and universe but transient for the individual and death is unavoidable. Life can be valuable and the premise is that do something meaningful. The novel not only provokes readers’ imagination, touches their heart, it also gives an example of how to face life and death and brings warmth and hope to people. As some scholars put it “E.B. White probed the uncertain relation between life and death of an individual and the relation between friendship and love and provided a sort of comfort without sentiment in a dark world”. (Thacker &Webb, 2002: 49)
长期以来,作文教学一直是我最头疼的事。面对学生见识的局限语言的单调,作文课的无话可说,作文内容的千人一面,我感到困惑,迷茫。如何能开阔学生的视野,拓展学生的知识面,激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作水平呢?我经过反复地摸索、实践,认识到:教师积极地引导、指导写作是快速提高学生写作水平的有效途径。  一、重视写作前的素材准备  常言道:“巧妇难为无米之炊”。对写作来说,缺乏素材的积累,没有语言的积淀
【摘要】:随着新课改进程的加快,教学模式也发生改变。历史学科也要紧跟时代进行发展,历史教师应该推陈出新,利用多种教学方式吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性,让学生自主参加到学习活动中,以提高学生的历史知识素养,这样既可以提高学生的理解能力,还能让学生认识到历史的重要性,进而为培养学生正确价值观奠定了思想基础。  【关键词】:历史教学 合作学习 策略分析  因为年龄过小、阅历较浅等问题,初中生对历史
【摘要】:地理课堂教学中,新课导入在教学过程中起着承上启下,穿针引线的作用。作为一名教师,一定要明确,一堂成功的课导入的作用功不可没。好的导入如同桥梁,联系着旧课和新课;如同序幕,预示着后面的高潮和结局;如同路标,引导着学生思考的方向。富有魅力的导入,能拨动学生的心弦,能激发学生的兴趣,能引发师生情感的共鸣。下面就让我们一起来探讨改如何导入新课:一、设置情境,营造氛围,激活创造潜能。 二、制作悬念
【摘要】:中国是一个“诗词”大国,优秀的古诗词数不胜数。在部编版教材中,大量增加古诗词教学,由此可见,教师应该更加视古诗词教学,以此弘扬中国的传统文化。  【关键词】:小学诗词 化用 再次创造  小学古诗词教学中,诵读感悟师非常重要的一个环节,但是仅仅在诵读这一层面是不够的,要让学生体会到古诗词的意境,就必须通过多种教学策略,丰富学生的认知,通过自己的感悟,走进诗文、走进诗人。  老子说:“授人以
所谓“小班化教学”,我认为应该是指一种教学活动的组织方式,是指在缩小班级规模压缩班级学生名额后,真正形成“以人为本”的教师与学生互为主体的“双主体”式的教学活动方式.它是与当前传统的大班式(班级人数四五十人甚至六七十人)教学相对而言的.目前农村小班化教学已成为教学的一个新的亮点,我们是农村小学,近两年已经开始实施小班化教学. 与传统大班式教学相比较而言,小班化教学具有自己的优势:  一、小班化教学
众所周知,数学本身就是一门逻辑性、抽象性很强的学科,它是其他的学科的学习基础,小学数学更是基础中的基础,使如何提高小學数学教学质量及效率成为小学教育事业及整体教育事业发展的重要任务。根据自己多年的小学数学教学经验,做出小学数学趣味化教学浅谈  一、精心雕琢课堂教学,让学生在“玩”中感悟数学魅力  乐学之下无负担。让小学生在无负担中思考,让他们真正地“玩”起来,进而对数学产生浓厚的兴趣,轻松地掌握数
【摘要】:现行的《语文课程标准》指出:“各个学段的阅读教学都要重视朗读和默读。”孩子们在这样的语言环境中成长,导致了他们说话粗俗,语言表达能力差,所以加强学生的朗读训练十分必要。我在教育教学工作中十分注重这方面的训练,在每一节课中都有意去加强朗读训练,即使是课间与学生交谈也会进行朗读指导。  【关键词】:创设情境 培养语感 引领示范 重视听读  朗读,是通过语音把书面文字表达出来,调动人的创造性、