(2 0 0 3年 4月 18日 )尊敬的贺恭总经理 ,各位领导 ,同志们 :今天 ,我们在这里隆重集会 ,庆祝中国华电集团云南公司的正式成立 ,这是云南电力行业的一件大事和喜事。借此机会 ,我代表云南省人民政府向华电集团云南公司的成立表示热烈的祝贺 !中国华电集团是国务院批准新组建的
(April 18, 2003) Dear HE Gong General Managers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades: Today, we are holding a grand rally here to celebrate the official establishment of China Huadian Corporation Yunnan Corporation, a project of Yunnan Power Industry Events and weddings. On behalf of Yunnan Provincial People’s Government, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warm congratulation to the founding of Huadian Corporation of Huadian Corporation. China Huadian Corporation is the newly established by the State Council