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发展循环经济是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要途径,是全面协调可持续的科学发展观的本质要求,同时也是转变经济增长方式,走新型工业化道路,实现全面建设小康社会目标的必然选择。发展循环经济,急需技术标准这一不可或缺的基础支撑和引领作用。国家标准化管理委员会对循环经济标准化工作特别重视,也开展了多项工作,并把循环经济标准化试点工作列为工作重点之一。为此,我们《中国标准化》杂志特意在2009年第1期开辟“循环经济标准化”专栏,约请相关部门的负责人和专家撰写循环经济标准化文章,主要内容包括:解读2009年1月1日实施的《循环经济促进法》内容,以及《循环经济促进法》与标准化工作的探讨;我国工业用能设备能效标准现状及发展方向;企业循环经济标准体系框架的探讨;国家循环经济标准化试点工作介绍等,以飨读者。 Developing circular economy is an important way to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society and an essential requirement for a comprehensive and coordinated scientific outlook on development. It is also necessary for transforming the mode of economic growth, taking a new road to industrialization and realizing the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects select. The development of recycling economy, the urgent need of technical standards as an indispensable basis for supporting and leading role. National Standardization Management Committee attaches special importance to the standardization of circular economy, has also carried out a number of tasks, and the circular economy standardization pilot work as one of the priorities. To this end, we “China Standardization” magazine deliberately opened in 2009 No. 1 “circular economy standardization” column, the relevant departments and experts invited to write a circular economy standardization articles, the main contents include: Interpretation January 2009 1 The implementation of the “Circular Economy Promotion Law” content, as well as the “Circular Economy Promotion Law” and the standardization of work; China’s industrial energy efficiency standards for industrial equipment and development of the current direction; enterprise recycling economy standard system framework for discussion; national recycling economy standardization pilot Job description, etc. to readers.
2007年7月18日,中国环境保护产业协会将绿色产品标准“绿色之星”证书颁发给了万华生态板业    2007年的深秋,北京密云县一块普通的农田里,农民老庄正和老伴儿一起捡前阵子没被收完的老玉米。一阵风吹过,身边的玉米杆随风摇曳,发出扑簌簌的响声,“这些要么回家烧火,要么作饲料。”老庄头也不抬地说。  不过,远在湖北公安县的农民老金就没这么清闲了,他正和全家一起忙着收秸秆。不过,这些秸秆的用途可不是