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今年一月二十八日《解放日报》刊登的画刊《镜头映出万家春》,不仅主题鲜明,寓意深刻,而且构图新颖,不落俗套,具有强烈的艺术感染力,给读者以美的享受。反映了时代精神画刊以清新明朗的意境,在有限的篇幅里,集中、概括地反映了党的三中全会以来,我国农村的新面貌、新气象,从各个角度刻画了农民的美好生活和理想,真切、生动,有一定的思想深度。《年好谷更香》一图(中),以婆媳俩用大磨子磨米粉的欢乐情景,描绘了农家的富裕生活。画面展示了一个亲切、安定、美好的意境:左边的婆婆抓起了雪白的大米,眉宇间流露出丰收后的喜悦神色,而忙着磨粉的媳妇仿佛在说,好日子还在后头呢!这个普通而典型的婆媳俩的镜头,真实地证明了我国农村实行多种形式的联产责任制以后,农业生产有了飞速的发展,农民生活正在逐步提高。随着党的农业政策的逐步贯彻落实,广大农民还认识到,要进一步发展农业生产,必须提高农业科学知识,实行科学种田。《科技到农家》(左上 The pictorial magazine Wanjichun, published in the “Liberation Daily” on January 28 this year, not only has a vivid theme and profound implication, but also has a fresh composition and unconventional style. It possesses a strong artistic appeal and gives the reader a beautiful enjoy. Reflects the epoch of picturesque spirit of the times with a fresh and clear mood and in a limited space concentrates and summarizes the new look and the new atmosphere of our country’s countryside since the Third Plenary Session of the Party and depicts the beautiful life of peasants from all angles and Ideal, real, vivid, there is a certain depth of thought. “Good Valley is more fragrant,” a map (center), with the law-in-law to grind rice noodles with flour mill, depicts the rich life of the farmhouse. The picture shows a cordial, stable, beautiful mood: the left of the mother-in-law picked up the white rice, brows reveal the joy of harvest after the harvest look, and busy grinding daughter seems to say, a good day is still behind! This common and typical mother-in-law’s lens truly proved that with the implementation of various forms of joint-liability system in rural areas of our country, the agricultural production has seen rapid development and the peasants’ living standards are being gradually raised. With the gradual implementation of the party’s agricultural policy, the majority of farmers also realized that in order to further develop agricultural production, we must raise agricultural scientific knowledge and implement scientific farming. “Technology to farmhouse” (top left