Effect of barium on the refinement of primary aluminum and eutectics in a hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdmkhx
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The effect of barium on the refinement of primary aluminum and on the modification of eutectics in a hypoeutec-tic aluminum-silicon alloy was investigated. The results indicate that barium not only modifies the eutectic silicon but also refines the primary aluminum and there is a relationship between the retained barium and the second spacing of primary aluminum. Experiments of barium-treated commercial Al-Si hypoeutectic alloy show that barium is a better modifier than sodium when there is a longer holding time. The effect of barium on the refinement of primary aluminum and on the modification of eutectics in a hypoeutec-tic aluminum-silicon alloy was investigated. The results that barium not only modifies the eutectic silicon but also refines the primary aluminum and there is a relationship between the retained barium and the second spacing of primary aluminum. Experiments of barium-treated commercial Al-Si hypoeutectic alloy show that barium is a better modifier than sodium when there is a longer holding time.
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